Portage Curve – Recreational Connector

Project Proposal

The Chugach National Forest is proposing to construct a multimodal recreational path along the Seward Highway between Ingram Creek and an area north of Twentymile River. The project, called the Portage Curve Multimodal Connector, will be completed in coordination with the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) Seward Highway Milepost 75 to 90 Rehabilitation Project.

The proposed project will provide a safe multimodal path separate from the highway to connect users to recreational opportunities along a heavily used segment of the Seward Highway. This accessible infrastructure will facilitate ongoing year-round recreation in the Portage Curve area.

The project will include the addition of trailhead parking areas and connections to other recreational facilities such as the Alaska Railroad Corporation and the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. The project will also provide safe access to DOT&PF proposed parking areas that will serve the subsistence hooligan fishery north of Twentymile River.

The Forest Service is working closely with partners and stakeholders on this project. Our project partners include: Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF), Bureau of Land Management, Alaska Railroad Corporation, Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center, and the Iditarod Historic Trail Alliance, among others.

Current Actions

Past Actions

A public information notice was posted related to providing recreational access between the Seward Highway right-of-way and undeveloped upland areas of the Chugach National Forest. This trail spur will later connect to the proposed Twentymile Valley segment of the Iditarod National Historic Trail. The project will also provide off-road vehicle access to private inholding properties within the Chugach National Forest. The Public Notice comment period ended July 17, 2019.

Objection Period for Portage Curve Multimodal Connector Project

  • The Chugach National Forest, Glacier Ranger District, has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) and draft Decision Notice for the Portage Curve Multimodal Connector. The draft decision is subject to the objection process and objections will be accepted only from those who previously submitted timely, specific written comments regarding the proposed project either during scoping or other designated opportunity for public comment. Deadline for objections is March 4, 2019.
  • Click here to down load the draft Decision Notice for the Portage Curve Multimodal Connector.

News Releases

Map of project area