Heritage Histories

Northeastern Utah was one of the last areas in the continental United States for Euro-American settlement. Ashley was part of a Forest Reserve (soon to become an “official” National Forest) during the heyday of Butch Cassidy and the Wild Bunch. Read about the local stockmen, lumberjacks and miners, the Army, early Forest Guard Stations, and the first Ashley Forest Supervisor, William M. Anderson.


  • Photo of William Anderson taken in the fall of 1952.William Anderson - Autobiography (.pdf, 13 pages, 82 Kb)
    William Anderson – Ashley National Forest first Forest Supervisor
    William Anderson
  • William Anderson - Biography (.pdf, 41 pages, 998 Kb)
    William Mitchell Anderson, First Ashley National Forest Supervisor 
    Cristina Bailey, Tami Merkley, and Byron Loosle, April 2003
  • Charles DeMoisey, Jr. (.pdf, 6 pages, 42 Kb)
    HISTORICAL FILE - Early History of Ashley National Forest
    Charles DeMoisy, Jr., Ranger, 1910-17; Supervisor, 1921-25
  • A. R. McConkie (.pdf, 9 pages, 54 Kb]
    Ashley National Forest, Historical Information (1958-1973)
    A. R. McConkie, Supervisor 1958-1973

Guard Station Histories

Guard stations were once the seasonal homes and offices of Forest Service employees.  More»


Ute Mountain Lookout was the first and is the last standing fire tower with living quarters above ground in Utah. More»

Dry Fork Flume

Why this interest in an old flume? People of the Uinta Basin have been trying to figure out the mysterious sinks in Dry Fork Canyon for over 100 years. More»

Swett Ranch

Imagine a time before electricity when your house is a cabin in the woods; it is heated with wood; lamps are powered by coal oil; your water comes from the creek on your property; your bathroom is an outhouse across the yard; your mode of transportation is horse and wagon. Now imagine that the closest town for supplies is forty miles away, a mere two day journey both ways. Today that would be like driving from Los Angeles to Dallas and back. Your closest neighbor lives about a mile away? How would you survive in an isolated area such as this? What would you do for food, for clothing, for income, for entertainment? The Swett Ranch is one such example of what happened in these exact situations. It is a capsule of frontier life projected into modern times. More»

Carter Military Road

Other History

  • Photo of Moon Lake with sailboatMoon Lake (.pdf, 14 pages)
    History of Moon Lake
    Cristina Bailey, Ashley National Forest
  • Men on the Mountain (.pdf, 74 pages, 395 Kb)
  • Lime Kilns (.pdf, 4 pages, 34 Kb)
    LIME KILNS: Evidence of Industry in the Uintah Basin
    Robyn Watkins
  • Preston Nutter (.pdf, 18 pages, 683 Kb)
    Preston Nutter
    Cristina Bailey, Ashley National Forest, August 2004
  • Myths and Legends (.pdf, 29 pages, 289 Kb)
    Cristina Bailey and Tami Merkley, August 2002
  • Brief Ashley History

Key Contacts

Jeffrey A. Rust