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While young college students descend upon Fort Lauderdale for spring break, migratory waterfowl and shorebirds spend theirs on the Stikine (pronounced “Sti-keen”) Flats in southeast Alaska. The Stikine River Delta is one of three diverse natural ecosystems making up the Key Coastal Wetlands in the Alaska Region. This area is a critical stopover and resting ground for migrating birds as they make their journey north to their breeding grounds. Located within the Stikine-LeConte Wilderness approximately seven miles north of Wrangell, the wetlands at the mouth of the Stikine River are teeming with life in springtime.

Waterfowl Heaven

Starting in April, hundreds of thousands of waterfowl and shorebirds converge on the Stikine Flats to make it one of the nation’s best birdwatching sites. As many as 3 million shorebirds of 28 different species stop and refuel on Stikine Flats. The largest concentrations of shorebirds are usually seen on the mud flats west and north of Mallard Slough where approximately 100,000 have been seen at one time. Shorebird migration on the Stikine delta generally peaks the first week of May.

Eagle Nirvana

In February, close to 2,000 bald eagles start arriving to the area. They come to feast on spawning eulachon, a type of smelt known as “hooligan” by locals, making the Stikine River area the location with the highest springtime concentration of bald eagles in North America.

Access: The Stikine Flats is accessible by boat and float plane only. Access is also tide-dependent, with most reliable/easiest access at high tide. Charter boats and planes are available in Wrangell and Petersburg.

Amenities: There are 13 Forest Service cabins available for rent on the Stikine Flats. For more information, call the Wrangell Ranger District, Tongass National Forest at (907) 874-2323.


  • Hundreds of thousands of migratory birds, including snow geese, sandhill cranes, Western sandpiper, black-bellied plover, American golden plover, greater yellowlegs, red knot, solitary sandpiper, dunlin, long-billed dowitcher and common snipe.
  • Not just birds. You’ll also likely see Sitka black-tailed deer, brown and black bears, gray wolves, mink, river otters, beavers, whales, harbor seals and Steller sea lions.
  • Picturesque scenery perfect for wildlife photographers and birders

The nation's largest national forest, the Tongass National Forest covers most of southeast Alaska, surrounding the famous Inside Passage. It offers unique chances to view eagles, bears, spawning salmon, and breathtaking vistas of "wild" Alaska. Even though the Tongass is the home to the world's largest temperate rain forest, almost half of the forest is covered by ice, water, wetlands and rock. Additionally, there are 11,000 miles of shoreline where towering mountains arise from the tidewater to overlook a mostly undeveloped and isolated landscape.