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An Ax to Grind: A Practical Ax Manual

Figure 3 Long Description

Image showing parts of the ax.

Graphic of an axe including labels that show the different parts of the axe. The labels read: End knob, swell–knob, caulked, prevents the axe from slipping out of the hands of the cutter., Throat of the axe–handle, Belly of axe–handle, Axe–side cheek, Lower corner, heel of bit, Sharpening bevel, bevel face, Cutting edge, edge curvature, Axe–blade, bit, Upper corner, toe of bit, Axe–eye, Poll, butt, Axe–head, Axe–lib, or lug, gives more wood–to–metal contact and extra steady and durable fitting of the handle in the axe–head, Shoulder of axe–handle, Back of axe–handle, and Grip.