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Are You Authorizing an Activity or Action on Your Forest?
Whenever you do, the first document you, and your staff, should refer to is your Forest Plan.

The Sage-Grouse Amendments, upon signature on 16 September, 2015, added Components to Forest Plans within Region 4, 2, and 1.  All Deciding Officials should be aware of the Sage-Grouse Amendments and generally be familiar with them, especially if a project involves Fire, Recreation and Trails, Roads, Lands and Realty, Minerals Development, Habitat Monitoring or Improvement, or Grazing.

If you have a proposed project, refer to the Guides and White Papers below to help interpret language within the Amendments.  Local conditions may require varying from interpretations within the Guides, but rationale documenting consistency with the Amendments should be included in such decisions.

Note that the Guides are “living documents” that will be updated and improved through time and that they are for assistance in interpretation only; ultimately, the Deciding Official must demonstrate consistency with the Forest Plan Standards and Guidelines for all decisions.

Annual Reports

Greater Sage-grouse Monitoring Annual Report (PDF | 508kb)

Implementation Guides

Anthropogenic Disturbances (PDF | 310kb)

Fire (PDF | 85kb)

Recreation (PDF | 302kb)

Roads (PDF | 282kb) 

Lands and Realty (PDF | 569 kb)

Minerals (PDF |  1742 kb)

Habitat (PDF | 640 kb)

Perch Deterrents Version 1.1 (PDF | 640 kb)

Region 4 Vegetation 2.0 (PDF | 868 kb)

Region 2 Vegetation (PDF | 280 kb)


Record of Decisions

Great Basin area (PDF | 16.1mb)

Rock Mountain area (PDF | 8.4mb)


White Papers and Additional Information

Habitat Assessment Framework (PDF | 284kb)

Noise Measurement for Sage-grouse (PDF | 284kb)

Recommended management strategies to limit anthropogenic noise impacts on greater sage-grouse in Wyoming (PDF | 613kb)

Key to Shrubland Community Types of the Intermountain Region (PDF | 1.1mb)



Contact John Shivik, Regional Wildlife Program Lead, Intermountain Region of the U.S. Forest Service.