Long Point Group Campground (25 people per site)

Area Status: Open

Located in the Antelope Lake Recreation Area, Long Point Group Campground has 4 sites and accommodates up to 25 people at each for both tent and RV camping.  Located 30 miles NE of Taylorsville, Antelope Lake is one of the more remote, quiet lakes on the forest. 

Travelers can stop in nearby communities such as Taylorsville, Greenville, Janesville, Milford and Susanville for ice and other supplies before you travel up the hill.   Wood is for sale within campgrounds.


At a Glance

Current Conditions: Visitors should always checkĀ Alerts and Notices on the Plumas National Forest website.
Reservations: Click Here for important information you should know before making your reservation.  
Usage: Medium
Best Season: summer
Busiest Season: July-August
Closest Towns: Located approximately 30 miles NE of Taylorsville.
Water: Drinking
Restroom: Vault toilets


Information Center: For forest information please call Mt. Hough Ranger District at (530) 283-0555

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


RV Camping

Group Camping

4 group campsites accommodating up to 25 people at each for both tent and RV camping. 

A bear box is available at each campsite.

Swimming, hiking, boating; boat launch nearby at Lost Cove boat launch.  Fishing access nearby at Lunker Landing and Guiney Point

Open Season: April-October
Fees: Fee Charged
Reservation required?: Y
Reservation info: Group campsites available by reservation.

Lake and Pond Fishing

Fishing access nearby at Lunker Landing and Guiney Point

Viewing Wildlife

Viewing Plants

Viewing Scenery

Scenic Driving

Boating - Motorized

Boat launch at Lost Cove boat launch

Boating - Non-Motorized

Kayaking, Canoeing




Related Information

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities



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