Bluewater Lookout

Area Status: Closed
Lookout:  Bluewater

Located on the Sacramento Ranger District, the Bluewater Lookout may be the oldest lookout on the Lincoln National Forest.  Forest Service records state that this lookout tower was built in 1917 for the United States Weather Bureau and sold to the U.S. Forest Service for erection on this site in 1937.  It is also unclear whether the 7’ X 7’ cab is and International Derrick type or an Aermotor MC-40. Consensus leans toward International Derrick although the window pattern/style does not match that of Monjeau Lookout which is definitely of International Derrick design.  The site also contains two additional structures, both of CCC design and construction; these are the Observer’s cabin and the storage shed.  Bluewater Lookout is listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).

Access to the area is via foot traffic only with access to the tower itself not available to the public.

Recreation Map

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