Coney Lake (#914)

Length: From Beaver Reservoir to Coney Flats Trailhead (TH) - 3.4 miles; to Coney Lake Trail - 3.7 miles; to Coney Lake - 5.9 miles. DISTANCES ARE ONE-WAY

Elevation: 9,200 feet at the TH; 10,600 feet at Coney Lake, 10,500 feet at upper Coney Lake.

Trail Description: From the Coney Flats Trailhead, follow the Beaver Creek Trail west into the Indian Peaks Wilderness for 0.25 miles to the Coney Lake Trail. The trail parallels the Beaver Creek Trail through a meadow for another quarter mile, and then crosses Coney Creek. This crossing has no bridge.

The trail grows steeper and enters the woods of the Coney Creek drainage. The trail leads right and circles the far side of a little pond. The last half-mile of the trail passes through willows and small trees. Upper Coney Lake is a mile above Coney Lake and requires bushwhacking up the drainage through willows and loose rock.

Click here for a trail summary.

View a trail map here.

At a Glance

Permit Info: This trail lies within the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area:
  • Camping permits required for all overnight trips between June 1 and September 15. Overnight permits cost $5 per group, per trip from June 1 through September 15.
  • Organized groups are required to have a permit for both camping and day-hiking year round. Day-hiking permits are free.
Usage: Heavy
Best Season: Conditions are best June through October
Restrictions: Indian Peak Wilderness restrictions apply:
  • Motorized equipment and mechanized transportation are prohibited.
  • Pets must be on a hand-held leash at all times.
  • Campfires are prohibited year round.
  • Campsites must be at least 100 feet away from water and trail.
  • Group size is limited to 12 (people and livestock combined).
  • Processed weed-free fed is required for stock.
  • Practice Leave No Trace principles.
Fishing and hunting: permitted in accordance with regulations established by the Colorado Parks & Wildlife.
Closest Towns: Ward, Colorado
Water: Coney Creek; treat water for drinking
Restroom: Practice Leave No Trace principles
Operated By: U.S. Forest Service

General Information


From Ward, head north on Colorado Highway 72 for approximately three miles and turn west onto Country Road (CR) 96 at the Boy Scout Camp sign. Two miles on a well-maintained gravel road will take you to the private Beaver Reservoir. Limited parking is available on the north side of Beaver Reservoir where National Forest System Road (NFSR) 507 (Coney Creek Road) begins. Experienced four-wheel-drivers can drive Coney Creek Road for an additional 3.4 miles to the Coney Flats Trailhead.


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