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Book on America’s Family Forest Owners Synthesizes Two Decades of Research on Critical Group of Landowners

Cover of 'America’s Family Forest Owners' by Brett J. Butler

Who owns the nation’s forests, and why? What do they plan to do with the millions of acres of forest land they control? These are critical questions for the future of the nation’s forests, and Brett Butler’s new book, “America’s Family Forest Owners,” synthesizes over 20 years of experience dedicated to addressing these issues.

There are nearly 10 million family forest ownerships across the United States controlling 39 percent of America’s forests, more than any other ownership group. The USDA Forest Service is charged with understanding and assisting all forests across the United States, both public and private, making these landowners a critical group to understand. For nearly 20 years, Northern Research Station scientist Brett Butler has led the National Woodland Owner Survey to increase understanding of this diverse, dynamic, and important group. Synthesizing his knowledge and that of the collective research community, he has authored a new book, “America’s Family Forest Owners,” published by the Society of American Foresters and available for sale from their website. This engaging book discusses the state of America’s family forests, ownership patterns, family forest and family forest ownership characteristics, landowner attitudes, forest management practices, programs and policies, and future directions.



External Partners

  • Society of American Foresters