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NatureWatch Wisely

  • Invasive species can be spread by being inadvertently bought and sold by uninformed buyers, moved on plants, produce, or agricultural materials as they are shipped from source to market; being transported on recreation equipment, gear, and luggage; and even riding across oceans on water, wind, or debris.
  • The National Invasive Species Information Center is your gateway to identify, control, educational materials, funding and regulations for non-native, potentially harmful species.
  • Check out Hungry Pests for state-by-state guides of the most critical invasive threats, resources to help combat invasive species, and a new middle school curriculum about invasive pests.
  • Learn techniques to stop Aquatic Hitchhiker Invasive Species from impacting our nation’s waters and fish.

Bear Facts & Safety Tips

Be Bear Aware – What to know when nature-watching in bear country

Bear Resistant Food Canister – A must-do for campers!

Where the Bears Are-Anchorage, Alaska Bears Story Map and collar cam tracks roaming around town.

Recreational Shooting: Shooting Safe on Your Forest describes appropriate recreational shooting practices on national forests to educate recreational shooters in best practices that promote the safety of all forest users and follow Leave No Trace principles