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State and Tribal Nurseries

A closeup of four conifer seedlings growing out of the ground, with a seed husk perched at the top.
Conifer seedlings at a nursery take root. (USDA Forest Service photo by Andrew Avitt).

Tree nurseries are vital to efforts to restore forests following wildfires, hurricanes, and other natural disturbances. Targeted replanting of forests on federal, state, tribal, and privately managed land following devastating wildfires is key to ensuring resilient forests for future generations to use and enjoy. Over the last two decades we have witnessed what has become a now familiar pattern: bigger and more destructive wildfires that are extremely difficult to suppress. America’s forests are in a state of fire emergency: Nearly a quarter of the contiguous United States remains at moderate to very high risk of severe wildfires, and the need for intensive reforestation efforts is increasing.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law invests in the nation’s network of state, commonwealth and territory, and tribal nurseries, which produce tree seedlings to support ecosystem restoration and conservation on all lands. In 2022, 38 State and territorial nurseries reported growing 123 million tree seedlings to support projects across the nation.

In early 2023, state, island territory, and commonwealth nurseries across the country received financial assistance through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to make improvements to the operation and efficiency of reforestation nurseries. Twenty-seven state nurseries have been selected to receive funding, as well as two nurseries managed by Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and Republic of Marshall Islands.

The Forest Service also supports technical assistance and research to assist nursery operators through the Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources (RNGR) program. This program is composed of specialists and researchers who provide technical guidance and best available science for nurseries and land managers regarding production and planting of trees and other native plants for reforestation, restoration, and conservation. In addition to regularly appropriated funding, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is helping to fund RNGR technical assistance to improve reforestation and restoration activities on Federal, state, Tribal, local, private, industrial, and international lands.

The agency is currently working closely with Tribes to provide technical assistance and award financial assistance to tribal nurseries to improve nursery operations. More information about this initiative will be announced later in 2023.

News and Announcements

Press Release:  Biden-Harris Administration Invests Nearly $10 Million for Reforestation through Forest Nursery and Native Seed Partnerships

Funding by State, Island Territory, and Commonwealth


Baucum Nursery

$160K in FY22 funds  to purchase a new farm tractor for bareroot seedling operations. The nursery will also  modernize irrigation equipment to increase water efficiency and conservation while requiring fewer staff hours dedicated to irrigation. Additional equipment improvements include the repair and upgrade of three storage cooler units.


Colorado State Forest Service Seeding Tree Nursery

$160K in FY22 funds to refresh existing seedling shade house structures. The nursery will replace the rotten structures with a modern automated shade system, relevel the ground, and install base material for growing containerized seedlings.


Andrews Nursery

$160K in FY22 funds for contractual staffing support for seedling lifting and packing activities. This additional staff will allow existing staff to focus on other nursery improvements to increase the efficiency of seedling production.


Flint River Nursery Facility

$160K in FY22 funds for growing equipment to establish a containerized Longleaf pine seedling program. The nursery will purchase an automated seedling line, T-Rail Benches, and a Top Clipping machine to assist in the production of Longleaf pine seedlings.


Oahu Nurseries

$160K in FY22 funds for salary and travel for a horticulturalist at the Oahu Nurseries. The horticulturalist will also provide support to nursery facilities on the other islands. Additionally, they will purchase a utility vehicle, pro soil filler, and soil mixer for Waimea Nursery, irrigation system upgrades at PuuWaaWaa Nursery, and electrical upgrades for long term seed storage at Pearl City Nursery.


Mason State Tree Nursery

$160K in FY22 funds for bareroot seedling support. The funds will be used to modernize irrigation equipment, lease a tractor for field operations, and purchase a utility terrain vehicle. Additional funds will be used to contract oak seed orchard pruning which is beneficial in promoting acorn production and seed collection.


Vallonia Nursery

$160K in FY22 funds to purchase state-of-the-art seedbed maintenance equipment. The nursery will purchase a much-needed bed former, seedling lifter, root pruners, strapping machines, and field transportation equipment.


Iowa State Forest Nursery

$160K in FY22 funds to support hoop building installation. The nursery utilizes locally available corncobs as a ground mulch for seed sowing in the spring and fall. The hoop building will keep the cobs out of the elements and ensure a readily available supply for planting season.


Kansas Forest Service Conservation Seedling Nursery

$160K in FY22 funds for shade house renovations. The nursery will purchase a new shade house structure and associated supplies such as irrigation booms, growing containers, and media. This project will increase containerized seedling production capacity, efficiency, and seedling quality.


Kentucky Division of Forestry’s Morgan County Nursery and John P. Rhody Nursery

$160K in FY22 funds to purchase advanced equipment in the form of two hooded sprayers and transport vehicle to assist in increasing production and growing healthier and stronger seedlings to meet current and future needs. The nurseries will also purchase new hoop houses to increase current seedling production and expand seedling species diversity.


John S. Ayton State Seedling Nursery

$160K in FY22 funds for the salary of a new trainee in nursery management. Due to anticipated staffing retirements the funding will allow the nursery to hire a trainee to work alongside the current employees to ‘learn the ropes’ prior to retirement. The nursery will also purchase a new brushing machine for seed cleaning, fumigate additional acres and purchase supplies to grow an additional 500,000 bareroot seedlings.


Red Pine Seed Collection Areas

$160K in FY22 funds to create red pine seed collection areas. Funds will be used masticate, skidder spray and fertilize red pine stands to address the historic low inventory of red pine seed available for growing seedlings.


Minnesota State Forest Nursery

$160K in FY22 funds to complete design plans for the construction of a 5,000 square foot cold storage building and begin construction. The expanded cold storage capacity will allow the nursery to process and store a higher volume of seedlings.


George O. White State Forest Nursery

$160K in FY22 funds for cooler infrastructure, including the replacement of seven cooler units which keep the primary walk-in cooler at a consistent temperature for seedling storage.


DNRC Montana Conservation Seedling Nursery

$160K in FY22 funds to complete at project initiated with funding from American Forests. American Forests funding purchased a new 4,320 sq. Ft. greenhouse. With federal funds, the nursery will finalize construction to erect the new greenhouse including the connection of water, electric and natural gas. Funding will also purchase a new needle seeder and accompanying plates to increase efficiency in containerized seed sowing.


Washoe Nursery

$160K in FY22 funds for containerized seedling production. The nursery will expand its infrastructure and capacity by one third with the addition of a new greenhouse.


New Hampshire State Forest Nursery

$160K in FY22 funds to replace aging and outdated equipment used for daily bareroot nursery operations including a new bed former, drill seeder, disk harrow, and soil sanitizer for their tractor. This investment will increase efficiency and reduce labor and fuel costs. The nursery will also purchase fertilizer to help offset the rising costs of supplies.


New Jersey Forest Nursery

$160K in FY22 funds for a new tractor used in field preparation, planting, digging and other heavy field work for bareroot seedling production. The nursery will also purchase a soil container filler for growing container plants.


Colonel William F. Fox Memorial Saratoga Tree Nursery

$160K in FY22 funds for a new greenhouse. The nursery will purchase a commercial shade structure to cover approximately 14,000 square feet. This expansion will increase current containerized seedling production by at least 50%, improve previous years’ holdover stock survival by an estimated 30%, and improve survival of limited potted stock production dedicated to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation projects.


Linville Nursery

$160K in FY22 funds for seedling benches, trays, gravel, tools, growing media, and other greenhouse site improvements for container seedling production. This funding will expand the nursery’s production by 250,000-500,000 seedlings.


Towner State Nursery

$160K in FY22 funds for new seedling equipment, to install irrigation wells and lines, and purchase supplies for bareroot seedling production. Investments will improve field seedling operation, irrigation systems for the nursery, and augment supplies.


Albert Engstrom Forest Regeneration Center

$160K in FY22 funds to upgrade the Containerized Uniform Tree Equipment building, (the CUTE building). The nursery will be adding a fourth wall and door, concrete pad, 240-volt outlet, and basic plumbing. These improvements will allow for proper storage of equipment which will decrease maintenance costs and labor.


Penn Nursery

$160K in FY22 funds to purchase a new pesticide storage building with electrical installation, heating unit, ventilation blower and concrete pad to increase safety and efficiency in pesticide storage. Additionally, a deer-exclusion fence will be constructed around seed orchard planting locations to increase seed production and reduce animal damage of trees. The nursery will be able to purchase upgrades to the seed counting and drying room’s heating/cooling units, replacement flooring, and replace a conveyor belt.


Niederhof Forestry Center

$160K in FY22 funds will add staff to the Nursery & Tree Improvement program. The new staff will ensure continuity of services through anticipated staff changes. The center will also purchase a refrigerated van for seedling delivery to agency field offices and elevate the program visibility with agency advertising on the van.


West Texas Nursery

$160K in FY22 funds for staff responsible for seed collection and processing activities. The nursery will replace two condensers and four evaporators from a walk-in cooler for seedling and seed storage. The nursery will repair a non-functioning greenhouse shade system, replace damaged greenhouse doors, replace damaged louvered exhaust fan vents, and inlet vent motors and ventilation exhaust fan motors. They will also replace polycarbonate panels on the greenhouse sides and ends.


Webster Forest Nursery

$160K in FY22 funds will purchase a new needle seeder for containerized sowing operations. The current seeder is outdated, and repair parts are unavailable. The nursery will purchase seed cleaning equipment with a seed sizer/grader. Another upgrade will be a programmable freezer used in the seedling quality program to conduct simulated stress tests.


Hayward State Nursery, Tree Improvement Center

$160K in FY22 funds will renovate an existing building and convert it into a new seed extracting facility with a seed and pollen lab. This renovation will create an  efficient, safer, and more modern seed processing plant. The seed processed by this facility will be used to produce seedlings for distribution across Wisconsin to public, Tribal, and private lands.


Rota Forestry Plant Nursery

$75K in FY22 funds will replace damaged shade cloth and irrigation systems from the September and October 2018 super-typhoons Mangkhut and Yutu. Additionally, the nursery will purchase a mist propagation bed, and a riding lawn mower and vehicle for seedling transport and nursery operations.


Majuro Nursery

$75K in FY22 funds will be used to bring on additional staff capacity to increase seedling production. Currently two employees manage the RMI program.