Geospatial Data

3-D image of topographyThe Rocky Mountain Region, National Forest GIS (Geographic Information Systems) data and accompanying metadata are available from the USDA Forest Service Geodata Clearinghouse.

The Geodata Clearinghouse is an online collection of digital data related to forest resources. Through the Clearinghouse, you can find datasets related to forests and grasslands, including boundaries and ownership, natural resources, roads and trails, as well as datasets related to State and private forested areas, including insect and disease threat and surface water importance. You can also find downloadable map products, raster data, and links to other sources of forest resource information.

Download nationwide data, or use the Data Extract Tool to filter to a specific Forest or Region.

Other products also available from the FSGeodata Clearinghouse site include, and are not limited to:

  • Forest Service Topo map images and geo-enabled pdf files;
  • Map Products,;
  • Online Map Services;
  • Forest visitor maps (paper and interactive);
  • Motor Vehicle Use Maps;
  • Wilderness maps;
  • The Data Extract Tool;
  • Other government agency data (through, and more

Other sites for geospatial data and maps

  • US Geological Survey ( Extensive national mapping information and products, including topographic maps.

Mountain Bark Beetle Epidemic

Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) Map Services