
Jobs in the Alaska Region

Help us care for the land and serve people in the Alaska Region of the USDA Forest Service. 

Current job openings

A career with the Forest Service will give you the opportunity to manage and care for more than 193 million acres of our nation’s most magnificent lands; conduct research through a network of forest and range experiment stations and the Forest Products Laboratory; and provide assistance to other government agencies and private landowners. It is a remarkable responsibility, but the rewards are as limitless as the views.

  • Current openings

    Lady fire crew.

    See all open jobs on Alaska's National Forests, a great place to live work and play!

  • Hiring local

    A trail crew heads down a trail with full packs.

    Live or work in the Alaska Region? Your knowledge of the area may help you qualify for a job.

  • Recruitment & Retention

    A young person looks at trees.

    Learn about internships, careers, recruitment events, applying, and more. 

    Join the Forest Service

  • Volunteer

    A placeholder image

    Volunteers make significant contributions to the legacy of conservation for future generations.

  • New employee orientation booklet

    Forest Service employee smiles while she rows a dingy towards a larger boat in remote location.

    The new employee orientation digital booklet helps new hires understand what it's like to live and work in the Alaska Region.



Jason Steele
Recruitment & Retention Specialist, Alaska Region