Maps & Publications

Prescott National Forest Visitor's Map

The Prescott National Forest map shows land ownership, Forest Service roads and trails, and developed recreation areas. It does not show elevation changes. The map is printed on durable plastized paper. The East half of the forest is printed on one side with the West half of the forest on the reverse.

Purchase at ranger station: Prescott National Forest (PNF) Visitor's Map are available for purchase at all PNF ranger stations and may be available at ranger stations on neighboring forests.

Purchase online:  at the USGS Map Store.

Purchase from Prescott National Forest by mail: Send a check or money order made out to "USDA Forest Service" for $14.00 to:

Prescott National Forest
ATTN: Receptionist
344 South Cortez Street
Prescott AZ 86303

Include a note with your name and return address, and stating that you want a "Forest Visitors Map". Please contact us first if you are interested in purchasing more than one map, or other maps that we carry so we can tell you the amount to enclose.


Motor Vehicle Use Maps & Georeferenced Maps


Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUMs) These free maps are available at any ranger district and can also be downloaded here:


  • Base Map - Topography - This 20 MB map uses our 1:24,000 FS topo USFS digital GIS topography map, roughly equivalent to 1:24000 topographic quadrangle (like USGS quads only produced by and for USFS)
  • Prescott NF Visitor Map 

Topographical Maps:

 The City of Prescott has several outdoor shops that sell hard copy topographical maps, or you can download them at the link provided.


Wet Soil Hazards: Visitors Asked to Help Prevent Damage to Roads and Trails after Wet Weather

Travel of any kind, motorized of non-motorized, can cause damage to roads and trails during and after heavy rain and snow events. Please refrain from using trails if your mode of travel leaves deep marks or ruts.  This Wet Soils Hazard Map (3 MB PDF) shows which parts of the Forest are most and least susceptible to damage.


Geospatial Data:



A wide variety of brochures about popular forest locations, Forest Service programs, and brochures from cooperating agencies are available at the Bradshaw, Chino Valley, and Verde Ranger Stations.

Brochures for download:

(If you need assistance reading these brochures, please contact the Bradshaw Ranger District: 928-443-8000.)

Front Cover of Thumb Butte, Granite Basin, and Lynx Lake Recreation Area Brochures