Community Outreach

This photograph shows a pack mule string and lead rider in a parade in a small townMaintaining a connection with the public for whom we serve remains vital to achieving the Agency’s mission of “caring for the land and serving people.”

The Pack Stock Center of Excellence participates in a number of parades and special events each year. Agency pack strings, whether participating in the nationally televised Rose Parade, a local July 4th parade or a community event, provide an invaluable opportunity to interact with the public and remind them of the agency’s long history using traditional tools to care for public lands as land stewards.

Appearances at special events such as the California Horse Expo or the Backcountry Horsemen’s annual rendezvous provide excellent opportunities to share traditional skills, educational messages about leave no trace techniques and wilderness ethics and engage in face-to-face dialogues about Forest Service lands.

For information about requesting project support from the Pack Stock Center of Excellence, please contact


Forest Service wagon and mules participate in the Rose Parade in Pasadena with riders waving.Main Street Parade