Welcome to the Kaibab National Forest!

Never Allowed and Illegal: Fireworks and Pyrotechnics.

It is illegal to bring or use any kind of firework, or other pyrotechnic device on Federal Lands, which includes National Forests. Help prevent wildfires! More information

A Diverse Landscape To Enjoy!

If you are anywhere near Arizona, you won't want to miss the chance to visit us as the forest surrounds the northern and southern portions of the majestic Grand Canyon. From canyons to prairies, peaks to plateaus, the Kaibab offers layers of opportunity for peace, solitude & discovery.

Find Your Next Adventure

  • Apply for Seasonal Jobs

    uniformed Forest Service firefighter near fire truck

    Apply June 27 - July 10, 2024. We're hiring temporary Biological Science Technicians (wildlife), Forestry Technicians (fire, fuels, helitack, lookout and recreation). Make a difference and gain valuable work experience.

Plan Your Visit

  • Recreation

    A tent in the forest

    Camping, cabins, hiking, scenic drives, fishing and snow play - the Kaibab has opportunities for everyone year round.

  • Find Your Way

    A topo map of the forest

    Be prepared with maps in your format: interactive, downloadable, and print, including Motor Vehicle Use maps and travel aids.

  • Forest Products

    close up of pile of chopped wood

    The Kaibab offers opportunities for firewood collection as well as other forest products such as corral poles, fence posts, and stays, Christmas trees, wilding transplants, pine cones and more.

Get Involved

  • Comment Period Open:
    Legacy Road & Trail Projects

    River with trail maintenance equipment

    The Legacy Road & Trails program is accepting comments on proposed projects for fiscal years 2025 and 2026. Submit comments by July 14, 2024.

  • Smokey Bear Reading Challenge

    Smokey Bear graphic with the number 80 to celebrate his 80th birthday

    Help celebrate Smokey Bear's 80th Birthday.

Learn More About the Kaibab

  • Hope Waters for Life

    The Waters for Life project is a long-term co-stewardship effort between the Hopi Tribe and the Kaibab National Forest that focuses on the protection and restoration of Hopi Traditional Cultural Properties including natural seeps and springs.

  • Baaj Nwaavjo I'tah Kukveni - Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument

    View of Red Butte

    The Baaj Nwaavjo I'tah Kukveni—Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument comprises 917,618 acres acres of land managed by the Kaibab National Forest and Bureau of Land Management around Grand Canyon National Park. Designating the new national monument, which contains ancestral homelands of many Tribes, will preserve its important historic, cultural, natural, scientific, and recreational values.



KNF Campground Concessionaire Prospectus

two canoes sit on the shore next to a blue lake surrounded by pines

The Kaibab National Forest is soliciting proposals for two campground concession special use permits to provide high-quality public services in the operation and maintenance of the developed recreation sites on the forest. The solicitation period is Nov. 27, 2023 to July 26, 2024. Site tours are being offered in April and May.

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