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International Programs
1099 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005

(202) 273-4695

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

International Programs: About Us

The USDA Forest Service International Programs promotes sustainable forest management and biodiversity conservation internationally. By linking the skills of the field-based staff of the USDA Forest Service with partners overseas to address the most critical forestry issues and concerns. International Programs regularly taps into the agency's wide range of expertise. Wildlife biologists, forest economists, hydrologists, disaster and fire management specialists, and policy makers are among those who comprise the staff of over thirty thousand employees. Willdlife in Southern Africa

Since international cooperation is necessary to sustain the ecological and commercial viability of global forest resources and to conserve biodiversity, most of our work is done in collaboration with other organizations. Our partners include other government agencies, such as the United States Agency for International Development and Foreign Agriculture Service; the World Bank and United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, non-government organizations, such as Ducks Unlimited and The Nature Conservancy, and universities.


The United States benefits from our work overseas. Innovative technologies are brought back to the country, cross boundary environmental problems are addressed, and opportunities to hone USDA Forest Service skills are increased. Lastly, strengthened international ties lead to mutual aid, as illustrated by assistance from Mexico, Canada, Australia and Israel who assisted with the devastating 2000 fire season in the western region of the United States

Fire and Aviation International Programs has three main staff units: Technical Cooperation, Policy, and Disaster Assistance Support Program (DASP). Both Technical Cooperation and DASP work closely with United States Agency for International Development, although the latter coordinates primarily with that agency's Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance.
Technical Cooperation, specifically, develops and manages natural resource projects overseas on a wide range of topics (i.e. fire management and forest health). DASP trains and mobilizes personnel domestically to respond and mitigate foreign disasters, such as the floods in South Africa. Finally, International Programs's policy unit is actively involved in sustainability roundtables and international fora, which ensures that US position on global forest policies and agreements reflect the best interests of the country.

The International Programs website has further information on our staff units as well as on our current international activities. Navigate our website to:








USDA Forest Service - International Programs
Last Modified: Wednesday, 10 March 2021 at 13:43:28 CST

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