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Save the date: National Forest Week photo contest

June 12, 2024

It is that time of year again! As the days grow longer and more Americans find themselves outdoors, the National Forest Foundation is inviting the USDA Forest Service to join us in celebrating National Forests and Grasslands this National Forest Week.

Held each year during the second full week of July, the sixth annual National Forest Week will take place July 8-14, 2024. This year’s theme is “Find Your AWEsome.” As I reflect on all the ways National Forests and Grasslands are places for rest, rejuvenation, and adventure, I cannot wait to connect with individuals from across the country on how they find awe in these special places.

To celebrate, the NFF will once again receive submissions to our National Forest Week photo contest and share content that inspires all of us to embrace and protect the awe-inspiring natural world. I am excited to share that our annual National Forest Week photo contest is open longer this year (from June 17 – July 14) and has several new categories – including a video category!

The NFF will also be hosting several community events across the country to give back to National Forests and Grasslands. As we get closer to National Forest Week, be sure to check for additional information about the celebration.

I am grateful for your continued efforts to steward these lands and look forward to hearing your stories and learning about your unique experiences. While National Forests are worthy of celebration all year, we are excited to shine a light on these special places during National Forest Week™.

How you can get involved: 

  • Share the NFF’s messaging prior to and during National Forest Week™ and use the hashtag #NationalForestWeek on social media

  • Submit a photo or video and help promote the photo contest throughout your network

Thank you for all that you do for public lands today and their future.

To learn more, visit

Graphic shows a man standing in front of a large group of mountains: Save the date and get ready to immerse yourself in the awe of National Forest Week, July 8-14, Find your Awesome, National Forest Foundation.