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Remembering Benjamin Charles Sapper

August 11, 2023

Photo of a young man wearing a faded orange hoodie and grey/blue shorts standing near a coastline. In the far background, where the coast begins, large rocks can be seen jutting out of the water.
Benjamin Charles Sapper joined the Forest Service to serve his community. Photo courtesy of the Sapper family.

On Wednesday we honored the life of first-year firefighter Benjamin Charles Sapper with a cordon of honor and flag ceremony in Gold Beach, Oregon. Benjamin was tragically killed in an on-duty vehicle accident that occurred near Powers, Oregon, on Aug. 4th.

A memorial service is being planned for Benjamin on Aug. 27 in his hometown of Boulder, Colorado, where we will continue to pay our respects and stand together with his family, friends, and co-workers in honor of his life and public service.

Benjamin was 21 years old. He joined the Forest Service because he had a desire to serve the community and be a part of a remarkable team. He had a passion for baseball, chess, skiing and engaging in deep discussions on topics ranging from philosophy to mathematics. Benjamin's zest for life was truly inspiring, and his crew said he left a lasting impact on everyone he encountered.  

During this challenging time, let us come together to extend our support not only to Benjamin's grieving family but also to our fellow colleagues on the Gold Beach Ranger District and Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest. Together, we can be a source of strength and solace for one another as we navigate this period of sorrow and loss.

Thank you for your unwavering support and for being part of a team that stands together in times of both triumph and tribulation. Let's remember Benjamin for the remarkable person he was and strive to make a positive difference in his honor.

The family thanks agency employees for their support but wishes for privacy at Benjamin's service.