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Strengthening communities by ensuring nature’s benefits

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Drinking water, wood products, clean air, foraged foods, scenic vistas. These are some of the things that come to mind when many of us are thinking about nature’s benefits to people. And this is why the U.S. Forest Service works to highlight the connections between public values, the condition of the land, and the management efforts needed to sustain nature’s benefits, or ecosystem services.…
U.S. Forest Service, San Bernardino National Forest, San Gorgonio Wilderness, Olympic National Forest, Dungeness Watershed

Silent Cultural Symbols that Speak Volumes

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Quietly waiting for you in our national forests and grasslands are what remains of long past civilizations and cultures. Some of these sites still have direct spiritual or cultural meaning to folks today while others are a complete mystery of what once was of a vanished people. Yet, in both cases, the adventurer is reminded of the centuries-old relationship between people and the land.It’s this…
arizona, Chimney Rock National Monument, colorado, Dakota Prairie Grasslands, forestry, FS, gifford pinchot, grey towers, north dakota, Olympic National Forest, pennsylvania, Silver Creek Archeological site, virginia, Washington Jefferson National Forest, washington state