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Working with Tribes to sustain a cherished plant

A man stands in front of a large area of river cane.
A canebrake. River cane still grows along rivers and streams, where it protects water quality. However, the vast canebrakes that once flourished in southern flood plains have been destroyed. (Courtesy photo by Roger Cain) River cane might be unfamiliar to some, but for many Indigenous people, it is part of…
Native American Heritage Month, river cane, native plants, indigenous, indigenous knowledge, tribal relations, tribal action plan, cherokee, United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians, Choctaw Nation, Chitimacha Tribe, southern research station

Common ground in the Rio Chama

Two people from different cultures smiling and shaking hands in a crowded recreation room.
The essence of the Southwest may be summarized in one word – Querencia. A sense of place where one feels safe, at home; where they can draw strength from communities tied to a landscape that provides resources for livelihoods and connections to the land that may not be understood well in other parts of the US…
CFLRP, Rio Chama, Native American Heritage Month, diversity, collaboration, Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program

Catching poachers and zapping fish

Wildlife biologist and education coordinator Ashley Mueller celebrates with the 2022 Native American Fish and Wildlife Society National Summer Youth Practicum completion of the Colorado State University ropes course.
Wildlife biologist and education coordinator Ashley Mueller (green hat, big smile) celebrates with the 2022 Native American Fish and Wildlife Society National Summer Youth Practicum completion of the Colorado State University ropes course, where they built comradery, trust and confidence in themselves and their peers. (Photo courtesy of Native American Fish and Wildlife Society) On a July…
Native American Heritage Month, tribes, tribal, tribal youth, ecology, careers, colorado, education, trout, alaskan natives, Rivers, conservation, American Indian, fish