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Feature Stories

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Dozens of large bags of firewood in white sacks are lined up outdoors, while a backhoe and excavator work in the background.
Wood Innovation Grants support timber industry, healthy forests

Timber products have been sustaining the American way of life for centuries and are deeply rooted in our culture. Much has been learned about sustainable forest management, timber harvesting and

Three people collect tree core samples.
Using trees to clean up contamination goes international

Forest Service scientist Dr. Ron Zalesny clutches a poplar tree within a stand of 260 and rattles off the Latin names of all the tree genotypes he and his team chose for the project. The genotypes are

Wood pellets emerge from inside a conveyor belt.
Celebrating National Forest Products Week

When you work with wood products, every week is forest products week! But this week, October 15-21, 2023, is when we take a moment to celebrate National Forest Products Week and all the people who
A young boy plays frisbee with Smokey Bear at his tree planting ceremony.
Keeping Smokey Bear’s message alive for generations

It’s been a long drive and an even longer work week, but your spirit lightens at the thought of enjoying a weekend in the great outdoors. As thoughts of work fade away and the wild landscape fills
Three uniformed forest service employees stand with contented looks on their faces on a rocky outcropping in front of a wall with painted pictographs.
Discovering past and people
Kaibab National Forest

As Kristen Francis looks out across the quiet expanse of the Kaibab Plateau in Northern Arizona, she wonders at what all the land has seen and what we can learn if we look closely. “We learn from the
A group photo of the Soldier Creek wildland fire hand crew.
Fire shapes Job Corps student’s futures and the landscape
Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests, Pawnee National Grassland

Deep in a canyon in Colorado, six Forest Service trucks from Nebraska sit in the shade of a row of pines as firefighters pile brush nearby. A wildland fire crew from Nebraska’s Pine Ridge Job Corps is
Five people standing in knee-deep water and celebrating. Right side shows three aerial images of the same place, over time.
Fighting fires, one beaver dam at a time
Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests

When you think of beavers, what comes to mind? Busy engineers, pesky rodents, or how about firefighters? You may already know that beavers are a keystone species, meaning many other species of animals
Firefighter using a drip torch.
Looking back to look ahead
Mendocino National Forest, Sawtooth National Forest, Eldorado National Forest

Over the past few months, we have highlighted wildland firefighters who support the Forest Service mission to protect our nation’s forests, grasslands and nearby communities from wildfires

Employees surveying wind-strewn timber
New tool a game-changer after hurricanes

Hurricanes can have devastating impacts on our forests at both the local and landscape scale. The intense wind and precipitation brought on by these storms snaps trees like toothpicks, impacting
Photo of Forest Service employees shaking hands with a Tribal leader wearing a business coat wearing a beaded medallion sitting down at a table with signed agreements.
Strengthening tribal relations within Indian Country
Chippewa National Forest, Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest

Historically, the Forest Service and Tribal Nations haven’t always seen eye to eye. This is understandable, given the complex history between the two. But history also shows that perspectives and