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Feature Stories

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People enjoying the shade in an urban park.
The benefits of urban forests

Globally, the past eight years were the warmest on record. It’s a trend more noticeable in larger cities, where forest floors and lush green canopies have been replaced by pavement and roofing

Tops of trees as look down on small homes tucked in a valley.
A Wildfire Crisis Strategy focus
Angeles National Forest, Cleveland National Forest, Los Padres National Forest, San Bernardino National Forest

Editor’s note: The Forest Service, now in its second year of implementing its Wildfire Crisis Strategy, is treating 11 additional landscapes across the country to help reduce wildfire risk to

A blaze of red leaves in fall at the base of Mt Hood.
Local communities benefit economically in fall
Mt. Hood National Forest, White River National Forest, George Washington and Jefferson National Forests, White Mountain National Forest

As the days grow shorter and a subtle chill fills the air, one of nature's most fascinating transformation begins across the varied landscapes of the United States. From the magnificent soaring
Wildland firefighter Nickolas Brasher in the forest holding a small animal.
California firefighter shares impacts of temporary pay increase
San Bernardino National Forest

This is the eleventh story in a series called Affording the Fight. Wildland firefighter Nicholas Brasher’s reasons for getting up every day ready to face the most challenging circumstances are simple
A bulldozer faces burning conifer trees and flames while creating a fire break.
The last time the Southern Area was the top priority nationally was 18 years ago during Hurricane Katrina.

The South is burning. Over 15,700 wildfires have burned 505,179 acres since New Year’s Day 2023. Persistent dry conditions and high temperatures have created the right circumstances for extreme fire

Two people sitting on a forest hillside looking up the mountain. One person is pointing at something off camera.
An audio journey
Inyo National Forest

* Listen to the audio documentary. Where can we go to be transformed? A change of scenery and a change of pace can help. And we can find both on backcountry trails within national forests. On a cloudy
A wildland firefighter approaches a helicopter, the pilot sits in the cockpit waiting.
Dousing overtime burnout
Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest

This is the tenth story in a series called Affording the Fight. “We measure our careers in overtime,” he said. “The majority of my 20 years are hovering around the thousand-hour mark of overtime each

Colombia Youth Conservation Corps students and instructors at Field Practice on Fire Management with the Volunteer Fire Department of Riosucio, Caldas in 2023.
Forest Service Youth Conservation Corps in Colombia

Newfound confidence. Real life skills. A focus on the future. That’s what some of the 57 recent graduates of the Colombia Youth Conservation Corps (CYCC) report after completion of the eight-month
A wildland firefighter standing in front of two USDA Forest Service quick response trucks.  One truck has both doors open and people moving about.
Taking care of our own so they can take care of others
Daniel Boone National Forest

This is the ninth story in a series called Affording the Fight. Being a wildland firefighter is hard – physically, financially and mentally. It can also be very rewarding. Whether deployed temporarily

Two wildland firefighters, holding shovels, standing in front of an ancient native american rock structure under a stone cliff.
Suppressing fire while protecting history

Editor’s note: On August 8, 2023, President Biden designated nearly 1 million acres near the Grand Canyon National Park as the Baaj Nwaavjo I'tah Kukveni—Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon