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The White House, Presidents, and Our First Bear

Smokey Bear has been a regular fixture at the White House for decades

Robert Hudson Westover
Office of Communications, USDA Forest Service
April 10, 2024

Image shows President Harry Truman standing in the Oval Office holding a poster of Smokey Bear with four other men.
Smokey Bear’s fire prevention message has been supported by every President of the United States since Harry Truman. (Courtesy photo)

Most folks know Smokey Bear is all about stopping unwanted wildland fire. His message of “Only You Can Prevent Wildfires” is everywhere, from signage as you enter national forests and grasslands, to TV commercials and even a classic Walt Disney cartoon called “In the Bag” which features a naughty bear about to light a fire in the woods only to be stopped by Smokey.

But did you know Smokey Bear has spent a lot of time at the White House and has been a friend of every president since 1944? That’s 14 presidents!

 Image shows President Eisenhower handing a young woman a golden statue of Smokey Bear in front of a tree.
President Dewight Eisenhower was a strong supporter of Smokey Bear’s fire prevention campaign. In this photo the president is handing the Golden Smokey to Judy Bell, the awards first recipient, who received the award in 1958 on the South Lawn of the White House. (Courtesy photo.)

The Smokey Bear Award

In fact, President Eisenhower was so impressed with Smokey’s message of fire prevention that in 1958 he personally handed out the first Golden Smokey, the highest award given to those who have impressed upon the nation the importance of the individual and their actions to prevent unwanted wildfires in national forests and grasslands. Since then, the Smokey Bear Award has been handed out to individuals and organizations from the local (the bronze Smokey), state (the silver Smokey) and of course the Golden Smokey for national significance.

Image shows President Kennedy surrounded by young women, one of whom is holding a doll of Smokey Bear.
President John F. Kennedy welcomes supporters of Smokey Bear at the White House in the early 1960s. (Courtesy photo.)

Smokey has his own zip code

Only one person, the president of the United States, and one bear, Smokey Bear, have been give the honor of having their own zip codes.

“The US Postal Service made this decision in the early years of the Smokey Bear wildfire prevention campaign, and it was a good idea. Over the ensuing decades Smokey Bear has received countless thousands of fan letters to Smokey Bear, Washington, DC, 20052,” said Lincoln Bramwell, chief historian with the USDA Forest Service.

Image shows First Lady Betty Ford standing in front of Smokey Bear and Woodsy Owl.
First Lady Betty Ford greets Smokey Bear and his friend Woodsy Owl at the White House in the mid-1970s. (Courtesy photo.)

Smokey in the White House

Throughout the years Smokey has been photographed in various areas of the White House from the main entry hall to the Kennedy Rose Garden and even with First Lady Betty Ford. However, where you have not seen Smokey photographed, except in doll form or posters is with a president and there is a reason for that.  

“Smokey Bear’s message is non-partisan. He’s not the supporter of any political party and has no political affiliation and speaks to all Americans regardless of what they believe politically,” said Bramwell. “Having said that, I think it safe to say that Smokey holds the record of longest continually visiting bear the White House has been host to. Happy Birthday, Smokey!”

Still, as mentioned above, it doesn’t mean that president after president hasn’t been thrilled to actually meet Smokey Bear in person and help share his message.

 Image shows Smokey Bear holding a bucket standing on the White House lawn during the White House Easter Egg roll.
For 80 years Smokey Bear has been visiting the White House and he’s often a guest of honor during the White House Easter egg roll. (USDA Forest Service photo.)

One such event where presidents and bears meet is the White House easter egg roll. This family focused tradition has seen Smokey attending on many occasions over the years, mingling with First Families for decades. So, when you see coverage of the easter egg roll on the South Lawn of the White House keep an eye out, you just might see America’s First Bear!

The author is a recipient of the 2020 Smokey Bear Award’s Golden Smokey