Recreation Checklist


Know Before You Go!

Know Before You Go!

Contact your local Forest Service office for camping availability and permit or pass requirements before heading out. Also remember to check the weather forecast.

Bring Sun Protection

Bring Sun Protection

Use sunscreen, wear a hat and sunglasses, and stay hydrated!

Bring a Compass

Bring a compass

GPS may not work in the area of the National Forest you're visiting so bring a compass with you.

Have a Solid Plan

Have a sold plan

  • Expect large crowds.
  • Check road conditions.
  • Have a full tank of gas.
  • Does access require 4WD?
  • Tell someone your plan.

Enough Water

Enough water

Bring plenty of water (at least one gallon per person/ day), especially in hot or dry regions. Many remote areas will not have fresh water available. Bring chemical treatment or a water purifier for treating water.

Bring a Map

Map & Compass

Bring a hard copy map of the area you're visiting and a compass. Visit our map page and obtain a map before heading out. Cell phone service may not be available where you're visiting.

Prevent Wildfires

Prevent Wildfires

Know what fire restrictions are in place and be prepared with alternative cooking & heat sources, such as a backpack stove or propane burner. Call the local Forest Service office for information.

Extra Clothes

Extra clothes

Make sure you're well equipped with a tent and sleeping bag, sturdy shoes, rain and cold weather gear, and extra clothes. Bring along a well-stocked first aid kit, just in case.

Flashlight or Headlamp

Flashlight or Headlamp

Don't forget extra batteries!

Cooking Supplies

Cooking supplies

Ensure you have matches/ lighter/ firestarter for a stove or campfire, cook pots, eating utensils, and trash bags.

Trail Food

Trail food

Bring plenty of food, such as granola bars, trail mix, or other compact, nutritious food. Avoid sugary snacks.

Pocket Knife

Pocket knife

A pocket knife or multitool can help with food preparation, gear repair, first aid, or other emergency needs.

Pack it In Pack it Out

Pack it In Pack it Out

Carry (a) large, sturdy trash bag(s) to collect all garbage from items brought in and used. Leave No Trace by tying bag to outside of backpack and packing out. Place in open trash receptacle upon return to vehicle. If trash bin is full, take bag home or deposit inside next available receptacle.

Bear Canister

Bear Canister

Bear resistant canisters are recommended and available for purchase from retail outlets. Store everything from food, food wrappers, garbage, toothpaste, gum, lip balm, hand lotion, toiletries and other scented items inside, lock lid and place in open area 100-feet from campsite.

Bring a Whistle

Bring a whistle

If you become lost or separated, stay put and use a whistle. Signal by blowing three blasts (a well-known emergency signal)