Rangeland Analysis and Planning Guide R5-EM-TP-004

i. Rangeland Analysis and Planning guide R5-EM-TP-004

Suggested Citation: USDA Forest Service. 2017. Range Analysis and Planning Guide R5-EM-TP-004, March 1997 Suppl. October 2017. Pacific Southwest Region 5, Vallejo, CA. http://www.fs.usda.gov/main/r5/landmanagement/resourcemanagement/rangelandmanagement

ii. Memorandum 2200 Rangeland Management Guide Transmittal

iii. Table of Contents

1. Overview

2. Rangeland Planning

3. Rangeland Inventory

3A. BLM TR 1734-04 Sampling Vegetation Attributes

3B. BLM TR 1734-6 Rangeland Health

3C. USDA-FS GTR-PSW-084 Meadow State of Knowledge

3D. USDA-FS-R5-TP-034 Meadow Hydrogeomorphic Types

3E. USDA-FS PSW Region Effectiveness Monitoring Aspen

3F. USDA-FS PSW Region Rooted Frequency Method Meadows

3G. USDA-FS R5 Rapid Assessment to Establish Key Use Areas

4. Rangeland Monitoring and Evaluation

4A. Annual Grassland RDM UC ANR Publication 8092

4B. Annual Grassland RDM UCCE Leaflet 21327

4C. BLM-TR-1734-3 Utilization Studies & Residual Measurements

4D. USDA-FS PSW Region Aspen Browsed Plant Method

5. Riparian Ecosystems

5A. BLM TR-1737-15 PFC Lotic

5B. BLM TR-1737-16 PFC Lentic

5C. USDA-FS R5-TP-028 PFC Fens

5D. USDA-FS RMRS-GTR-47 Monitoring Vegetation in Riparian Areas

5E. BLM TR-1737-23 MIM

5F. USDA-FS GTR WO-86a Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems

Appendix A. 2670-2210-1920 ESA Permittee Involvement Memorandums

Appendix B. Assessing the Risk of Introducing Noxious Weeds

B1. FS-805 Nat Strategy Implementation Plan Invasive Species Mgt

B2. Region 5 Noxious Weed Management Strategy

B3. Cal-IPC Invasive Plant Prevention BMPs

B4. Cal-IPC CA Invasive Plant Inventory

Appendix C. Rangeland Statistics

Appendix D. California Plant Guides

Appendix E. State and Historic Preservation Officer MOUs

Appendix F. Resource Value Ratings

Appendix G. Ecological Status for Meadows

Appendix H. R5-TP-042 R5 Plant Guide for Resource Managers


List of Abbreviations

References - Literature References

References - Range Readiness

References - Range Economics Reference Data