Lake George Diversion Dam Removal project

History of the Lake George Diversion Dam

Lake George Diversion Dam Brochure page 1  Lake George Diversion Dam Brochure page 2

South Park Ranger District to implement Lake George Dam removal and South Platte River restoration projects

The South Park Ranger District of the Pike-San Isabel National Forests & Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands, removed the Lake George Dam and will be implementing restoration activities on the South Platte River at the entrance to Elevenmile Canyon near Lake George, Colorado.  This project is being conducted in partnership with the Coalition for the Upper South Platte River and Colorado Springs Utilities. The purpose of this project is to completely remove the obsolete structure and restore the popular sport fishing segment on the South Platte River to a more natural condition.  

The dam impacts the river by impeding natural sediment movement, modifying the floodplain and channel structure, negatively impacting fish habitat and compromising fish reproduction and survival.  The overall objective is to restore aquatic habitat and improve water quality of approximately 45 river miles of the South Platte River (Elevenmile Reservoir to Cheesman Reservoir).  The visitor experience will also be enhanced with parking improvements, relocation of outhouse facilities, and improvement of the accessible trail and fishing access bench. 

This project supports the U.S. Forest Service’s goal to protect, sustain, and improve National Forest System watersheds by implementing practices designed to maintain or improve watershed conditions for the communities that rely on them and to maintain resilient ecosystems for the use and enjoyment of current and future generations.

Jan. 2024 update on Lake George Diversion Dam Removal project

Crews are making progress at the entrance to Elevenmile Canyon on the Lake George Diversion Dam Removal project. The dam has been removed. Crews are busy hauling sediment from behind the dam to use as fill material for the road widening at the entrance station and towards bank improvements along the lower portions of the riverside vegetation improvements. Over the next several weeks, crews will begin constructing bank stabilization structures and aquatic habitat improvement features in the river to create pools and shelter for fish.

                            Construction equipment completing excavation work in Elevenmile Canyon.

Construction equipment dismantling Lake George Dam   Overview of construction equipment dismantling the LG dam and temporary clear water diversion