Camping, Hiking, and Backpacking Regulations

The Umatilla National Forest has implemented  14-day stay and occupancy limits for camping activities to protect natural resources, address sanitation issues, prevent camps from monopolizing popular sites, and to control squatting on national forest lands.  To learn more click here...  Other camping tips include:

  • Pick a safe campsite. Be observant of dead or leaning trees and loose limbs in trees.
  • Use existing fire rings whenever possible. Build your campfire away from trees, logs, stumps, overhanging branches, dense dry grass and forest litter. Never leave a campfire unattended, even for a moment. Be certain your fire is out completely when you leave. Abandoned campfires cause many forest fires. You may be held liable for any uncontrolled fires you start.
  • You should treat all surface water before using for cooking or drinking. Boil rapidly for one minute to kill bacteria or use a filter or tablets designed to treat the microscopic organism Giardia lamblia.
  • Sign in at the trail register for backcountry and wilderness trips.
  • Do not leave valuables in your vehicle.
  • Notify the campground host, forest ranger, or law enforcement of any suspicious activity. Do not put yourself in danger by getting involved. Information such as vehicle license number, or identification of individuals will help.  For more information, visit our Crime Prevention page.
  • Observe Forest Wilderness Regulations and Leave No Trace ethics to keep our Forest healthy!


  • Do not carve, chop, cut, or damage any live trees.
  • Preserve and protect your National Forest. Leave natural areas the way you find them. Please pack out what you pack in and dispose in appropriate containers.
  • Buildings, structures, or enclosed areas in National Forest may be entered only when expressly opened to the public.
  • Indian sites, old cabins, and other structures, along with objects and artifacts associated with them, have historic or archeological value. Do not damage or remove any such historic or archeological resource.

Public Behavior:

  • No fighting or boisterous behavior.
  • Please, keep noise at a reasonable level. Be courteous to your fellow visitor. You may be told to leave the site if the Forest Ranger determines you are causing excessive noise at the site.
  • Operate any audio device, such as a radio or musical instrument, only when it will not disturb others Forest visitors.
  • A permit is required to operate a public address system in or near a campsite, developed recreation site, or over a body of water.

Pets and Animals:

  • Pets must always be restrained (under physical control) or on a leash.
  • Pets are prohibited in swimming areas.
  • Saddle, pack, or draft animals are allowed only in authorized areas.

Business Activities (permits are required for the following):

  • Selling any merchandise within a National Forest.
  • Posting or distributing any handbill, circular, paper or notice.
  • Conducting or participating in a public meeting, assembly, or special event.
  • Information on all permit requirements is available from any Forest Service office.

Fireworks and Firearms:

  • Use of fireworks or other explosives is prohibited on National Forest lands.
  • Firing a gun is prohibited in or within 150 yards of a residence, building, campsite, developed recreation site, or occupied area; or across or on a road or a body of water