Cape Perpetua Scenic Area ~ Historical Richness

Historical Richness

Coastal Indians  

historic photo of native american fisherman on rocks at Cape Perpetua

Alsea fisherman

For the Coastal Indians, this area was a well-stocked grocery store, filled with mussels, crabs, clams, berries, plants and game. Evidence of their lives can be found in the huge piles of discarded mussel shells, called middens, which can be seen along the Captain Cook trail.

Archeological sites preserve an important record of the past and are protected by law. Please do not disturb these sites or remove items from them.

Civilian Conservation Corps


photo of West Shelter built out of local rock
West Shelter built by Civilian Conservation Corps crews


historic photo of Civilian Conservation Corps camp
Civilian Conservation Corps Camp

Throughout the 1930’s, men of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) lived in a camp built below the current day Visitor Center and constructed a shelter atop Cape Perpetua. This shelter was used briefly as a coastal watch station during WWII. The CCC camp site is located along the Captain Cook trail. The shelter is located along the wheelchair accessible Whispering Spruce trail at the Cape Perpetua Day Use Area.

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