Cape Perpetua Scenic Area ~ Coastal Forests & Ocean Views

photo looking out over Pacific Ocean at sunset from West Shelter

View from West Shelter at sunset

Coastal Forests & Ocean Views

  • Coastal Sitka Spruce Forest
    Fog, rain and cool year-round temperatures create the perfect home for the giant Sitka spruce tree. Sitka spruce forests only grow within three miles of the coast. Further inland, conditions are too hot and dry.

    The Sitka spruce forest can be visited along the Cummins Creek, Cook’s Ridge, Gwynn Creek, Discovery Loop and Giant Spruce trails.

    Giant Spruce of Cape Perpetua ~ Heritage Tree

  • Whale watching
    View whales during spring and fall migration seasons.
    Check the Cape Perpetua Visitor Center page for seasonal whale watch weeks.

  • Ocean Views from the Cape Perpetua Day Use
    Possibly the best view on the Oregon Coast, the Cape Perpetua Day Use Area offers views of 70 miles of coastline. On a clear day, you might see up to 37 miles out to sea.

    The Day Use Area may be reached by the St. Perpetua Trail, but the easier way to get there is to drive!

photo of hiker on trail in woods with moss and large trees
Old Growth trail
photo of visitors hiking up to West Shelter
West Shelter
photo of woods at Cape Creek
Cape Creek
photo of hiker by large old growth tree
Giant Spruce

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