Restoration Projects by Type of Habitat

Streams, Lakes and Estuaries | Forest, Dunes and Meadows

Streams, Lakes and Estuaries

  • Projects for Fish Passage
    What happens where the stream meets the road? Typically, a culvert is built under the road. But many culverts block fish migration upstream. In the last few years, many miles of habitat have been opened up for coho salmon, steelhead, and cutthroat trout as a result of restoration projects to replace small and failing culverts.

  • Stream Restoration Using Large Wood

  • Road Improvements for Sediment Reduction 

  • Enchanted Valley/Bailey Creek Stream Restoration
    Located 6 miles north of Florence, this Forest Service project recreated a natural meandering channel on an old dairy farm to improve habitat conditions for coho salmon and other species. Work was completed in 2003.

  • Karnowsky Creek Restoration
    Highlighting the use of partnerships to build community ownership in habitat restoration, this project, located south of the Siuslaw River Estuary approximately 5 miles east of Florence, restored 4 miles of valley bottom stream habitat for a wide range of species.

  • Drift Creek Restoration
    This project seeks to improve Coho Salmon populations in Lower Drift Creek by restoring the estuary, riparian and upland habitats as well as the connections between habitats. It is designed to do this in a way that accomodates recreation and that uses community participation from planning through implementation.

  • Salmon River Estuary
    A coastal wetland restoration project on Salmon River Estuary located within the Cascade Head Scenic Research Area on the Hebo Ranger District. Work started in 2007 on the site of the former Pixieland Amusement Park. In 2009, tides returned to Tamara Quays marsh area for the first time in 40 years.

  • Fivemile-Bell Project
    The Forest Service acquired 640 acres along Fivemile and Bell Creeks northeast of Tahkenitch Lake in order to restore bottomland habitat to benefit coho salmon and other fish and wildlife species. This watershed restoration project takes partnership collaboration to a new level.  See how we plan to restore upland, stream and valley bottom habitats while enhancing economics, timber, communities and recreation.

Forest, Dunes and Meadows

More Information

  • Ecosystem Restoration
    We're returning natural functions to altered landscapes, focusing on creating and maintaining healthy ecosystems: estuaries, old growth forests, meadows, coastal dunes.
  • Restoration Projects
    Find out more about individual projects on our Restoration Projects page