Fire Prevention

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Remember, Only YOU Can Prevent Wildfires
Fire Prevention

Humans cause nearly nine out of ten wildfires. In 2015, nearly 59,000 human-caused wildfires burned more than two million acres. Most people think the phrase “human-caused wildfires” means arson, but people cause fires in lots of ways – unattended campfires, sparks from equipment or vehicles, backyard activities, cigarettes and children playing with matches.

Our good friend Smokey Bear offers some easy ways we can prevent wildfires.


CAMPFIRES—If you’re heading outdoors, be safe with your campfire.

  1. Pick the right spot
  2. Prepare your campfire pit
  3. Build your campfire responsibly
  4. Maintain and extinguish your campfire


SPARKS FROM EQUIPMENT OR VEHICLES—Sparks from lawn mowers, power equipment and vehicles DO start wildfires. It pays to take these steps to prevent them.

  1. Mow lawns, not weeds or dry grass. Metal lawnmower blades striking rocks can create sparks and start fires. Keep a shovel and fire extinguisher handy.
  2. Install spark arresters on portable, gasoline-powered equipment. Get equipment checked regularly.
  3. Be careful driving through or parking on dry grass or brush. Hot exhaust pipes can set grass on fire.


BACKYARD ACTIVITIES—A few simple precautions outside your home will help prevent wildfires.

  1. Learn before you burn. Check local regulations and ordinances before you burn.
  2. Burn this, not that. Burn vegetation, not household trash, plastic or tires.
  3. Create a safe place. Avoid burning near power lines, overhanging limbs and other potential hazards.
  4. Stay with your fire. Make sure it’s completely out. Check the burn area for several days.
  5. Surround your home with a fire-resistant zone.
  6. Grill with care. Dispose of charcoal briquettes carefully. Make sure they are out cold.

Together, we can prevent wildfires and work toward a safe fire season in 2017.

For more information, visit