Safety in the Water


Swimming and Boating

A child swimming in a poolThere are inherent risks associated with water recreation and sports. Many of the dangers linked to boating, water skiing, swimming, diving and water activities can be avoided by taking precautions. Remember, an estimated 60 percent of drownings are witnessed, and have the potential to be prevented.



Safety Checklist

  • Learn to swim: Formal swimming lessons can prevent drowning. Teach children to swim at a young age. Constant and careful supervision around water is still necessary, even when children have completed swimming classes.
  • Wear a life jacket: The U.S. Coast Guard estimates that life jackets could have saved the lives of more than 80 percent of victims who die in boating accidents. All occupants of a boat should wear a life jacket at all times when on or near the water. Air-filled toys and foam toys are not life jackets.
  • Never go boating under the influence: Avoid drinking alcohol and using controlled substances when boating, water skiing and swimming. Do not drink alcohol while supervising children.
  • Supervise children: Designate a responsible adult to watch young children. Caretakers of preschool children should provide touch supervision—be within an arm’s reach of the child at all times. Adults should not be involved in any other distracting activity (such as reading, playing cards or talking on the phone) while supervising children.
  • Don’t swim alone: Always swim with a buddy. Select a swimming site that has a lifeguard when possible.
  • Learn CPR: In the time it might take for paramedics to arrive, your CPR skills could save a life.
  • Look before you leap: Check water depth before diving and only dive into familiar waters. It is never safe to dive from or jump off of rock cliffs, ledges and man-made structures.
  • Learn safe boating practices: Operator error accounts for 70 percent of boating accidents. Take a boating safety course. Wear a helmet when navigating whitewater streams.

Download this checklist here.

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Whitewater River Safety

Whitewater raftingEven if you're just enjoying the river from the bank or gently wading in,whitewater rivers can be dangerous. When venturing out on a whitewater river, be prepared and know what to expect. The difficulty level of each section of river can change dramatically with changes in water level. Gentle stretches can become dangerous when the water level is high. At extremely low levels, you may find yourself paddling through puddles or portaging. The Forest Service has U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) maps that show national forest boundaries and real-time stream flow data for rivers around the nation.

Safety Checklist

  • Check current water levels and weather conditions.
  • Tell someone where you are going and when you expect to return.
  • Be sure your whitewater skills and experience are equal to the river and the conditions.
  • Never raft or kayak alone.
  • Wear a properly fitted Personal Flotation Device (PFD) at all times when you are in or near the river. Reduce threat of injury by wearing protective footwear and proper clothing.
  • Be prepared for extremes in weather, especially cold. Know about the dangers of hypothermia and how to deal with it.
  • Take a first aid kit and whitewater rescue gear and know how to use them.
  • Never run a rapid unless you can see a clear path through it. Watch out for new snags after winter and spring floods.
  • Allow the craft ahead of you to pass through a rapid before you enter it. This will avoid a double disaster if the lead boat blocks the channel.
  • If you capsize, do not panic. Do not attempt to stand in rapids or swim against the current. These may result on serious injury or fatality. Float on your back with feet pointed downstream to push off obstacles. Let the current carry you to shore.
  • Do not allow children in or near whitewater. Even in calm waters, always be within arm's reach of children if they are playing on the bank or wading because there may be unseen drop-offs and swift currents.
  • Always use caution when walking on or climbing on rocks. Rocks are slippery when wet.

Download this checklist here.

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Canoeing on the riverCanoeing is a great recreational activity, but it can also be a dangerous one. Safety is important on calm water as well as on whitewater streams. Canoeing rules and regulations will help you enjoying this activity while keeping yourself and others safe.

Safety Checklist

  • Wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved life jacket at all times. Even gentle stretches of water can have strong undercurrents. Even good swimmers need to wear one.
  • Scout the rapids and make plans for possible rescues. Be aware that on some sections of river, land access may be difficult and help is far away.
  • Learn basic water rescue techniques and first aid. Learn to recognize the symptoms and treatment for hypothermia.
  • Know your limits; do not attempt to navigate a section of river beyond your skill level.
  • Always bring along extra clothing and a first-aid kit in a waterproof container. Store all extra gear in a secure, watertight container.
  • If your canoe tips over, don’t panic. Stay with your canoe. In a river, stay upstream from the canoe so it does not pin you against a rock.
  • If your canoe tips over in whitewater, float on your back with feet together and pointed downstream. Let the current take you to shore or to calm water. If you are carried over a ledge or a dropoff, tuck into a ball.
  • If your canoe tips over in calm water, paddle or push your canoe to shore. Once you reach shallow water, you can flip the canoe over to empty it and get back in. A canoe will float even if it’s full of water, so you may be able to paddle it to shore to empty it.

Download this checklist here.


Climbing into a Boat Safely

  • Have someone hold the canoe steady. You don’t want to tip the canoe before you even get out on the water.
  • Crouch low, keep your knees bent and grab the sides of the canoe for balance as you walk to your seat.
  • Always walk in the center of a canoe. Keeping your feet on the center line will
    minimize side-to-side rocking motions. 

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A photo of a speed boatBoating is a popular recreation activity, but it can also be a dangerous one as well.

The four major causes of drowning are:

  1. Not wearing a life jacket;
  2. Abuse of alcohol;
  3. Lack of sufficient swimming skills; and
  4. Hypothermia.

Nearly 1,000 people die in boating accidents every year. It is estimated that more than 80 percent of boating accident victims would have survived if they had been wearing a life jacket.

Safety Checklist

  • Always check the weather before going out.
  • Visit for weather updates.
  • Let others know where you are going and when you are expected to
  • Ensure all individuals wear a flotation device. A life jacket will help keep you warm and will keep you afloat if your boat capsizes.
  • Always carry a first-aid kit.
  • A waterproof bag with an extra change of clothes is imperative.
  • Always have appropriate lights on your boat, and be sure to use them from sunset to sunrise.
  • Many states require a safety whistle to be on all boats, even if it is a non-motorized boat.
  • Carry a fire extinguisher on board. If you have an electric or gas motor it is often state law.
  • Avoid dams. Water flowing over dams can create a current capable of drawing boats into the face of the dam and holding them under water. Avoid dam spillways during high water.
  • If your boat should capsize, stay with your boat until help arrives so rescuers can find you. Regardless of your age, hypothermia can develop quickly.

Download this checklist here.