Essentials Checklist

Pack the "10 essentials" and be prepared for minor injuries, sudden weather changes or delays. 

  1. ApA graphic showing essential items for the outdoors.propriate footwear: Make sure you are wearing sturdy footwear that can withstand the terrain and the length of your trip.
  2. Map: Bring a printed map. Don't rely on your phone for navigation in emergencies. You can't count on cell phone coverage in remote areas. 
  3. Extra Food: Carry more than the minimum requirement of food. Such as: Power bars, jerky or chocolate.
  4. Extra Water: Bring extra water! It's often helpful to carry water purification tablets or a water filter.
  5. Extra Clothing: Bring layers of clothing that are not cotton. This way you can regulate your temperature if the weather shifts. 
  6. Emergency Items: Bring a flashlight & extra batteries, whistle, matches.
  7. First Aid Kit: including foot care and insect repellent (as needed)
  8. Multi-tool or Knife: plus a gear repair kit
  9. Backpack: Bring a backpack that can fit your essentials and any extra gear you need.
  10. Sun protection: Hat, sunglasses & sunscreen.

Additional Items to Consider

  • Additional wayfinding tools: Compass & or GPS
  • Signaling device: Foil, pocket mirror
  • Prescriptions: glasses, medications (bring extra)
  • Radio with extra batteries
  • Shelter: Space blanket or a piece of plastic (to use for warmth or shelter)
  • Trash bag: (makes an adequate poncho)