Fireworks and Exploding Targets Ban

Release Date: 

Contact: Traci Weaver (503) 808-2176


Portland, Ore. – As we approach Memorial Day, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the U.S. Forest Service want to remind everyone that the use of fireworks and exploding targets is prohibited on all BLM and National Forests lands throughout Oregon and Washington.

So far this year in the Pacific Northwest, more than 250 fires have burned over 1,600 acres. In recent years, the region has experienced longer and more destructive fire seasons, fueling the costs of fire suppression.

Possession of fireworks or exploding targets is unlawful on Forest Service lands. Those who ignite fireworks or exploding targets on public lands can be fined up to $1,000, receive a prison term of up to one year, or both. In addition, individuals responsible for starting wildland fires on public lands can be billed for the cost of fire suppression.

The BLM and Forest Service cooperate with the Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group to fight wildland fires in the Pacific Northwest. The Northwest Coordination Center provides updates on fires and conditions in the Pacific Northwest.
