Programs and Software

The following programs are available for download from this site. All programs have been developed by the USDA Forest Service, and are public domain software.  Programs were created by USFS employees Steve Rheinberger and Rick Toupin (retired).

Logging Systems Programs

Contact person:

Lisa Ball
Logging Specialist
Voice:  503.808.2977

Internet Explorer download instructions: 

To download programs from the US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Forest Products Programs and Software webpage  using Internet Explorer:

  1. computer Mouse Right Click on the Program name in blue text that you wish to download which will open a new context menu, and then
  2. select, Save Target As… which will open Windows Explorer where you may navigate on your computer to the Folder where you wish to store the downloaded file and then
  3. change the filename from the unrecognizable alpha-numeric string to the left of the file extension, (to the left of the period in the complete filename) leaving the computer extension unchanged as shown in the following example:

from:  stelprd3829180.xlsm              to:  SkylineXL_18.xlsm

When saving, type the file extension in the "File name" field in order for it to be saved as a file rather than and internet link; such as the example above.

The computer extension of *.xlsm is key for Excel to recognize that this workbook contains macros.  If the extension is changed the workbook will provide unexpected results or will not open.

Google Chrome download instructions:

To download programs from the US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Forest Products Programs and Software webpage  using Google Chrome:

  1. computer Mouse Left Click on the Program name in blue text that you wish to download to begin the download to your Downloads Folder,
  2. watch the download process in the left corner of the new download status bar at the bottom of your computer screen and when the download is completed,
  3. left click on the small black triangle to the right of the filename in the download status bar and select “Show in folder” which will open your Windows Explorer with the downloaded file highlighted, then
  4. right click on the downloaded filename to open a new Context Menu and select “Rename” to change the filename from the unrecognizable alpha-numeric string to the left of the file extension, (to the left of the period in the complete filename) leaving the computer extension unchanged as shown in the following example:

from:  stelprd3829180.xlsm              to:  SkylineXL_18.xlsm

When saving, type the file extension in the "File name" field in order for it to be saved as a file rather than and internet link; such as the example above.

The computer extension of *.xlsm is key for Excel to recognize that this workbook contains macros.  If the extension is changed the workbook will provide unexpected results or will not open.

Mozilla Firefox download instructions:

To download programs from the US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Forest Products Programs and Software webpage  using Mozilla Firefox:

  1. computer Mouse Right Click on the Program name in blue text that you wish to download which will open a new context menu, and then
  2. select, Save Link As… which will open Windows Explorer where you may navigate on your computer to the Folder where you wish to store the downloaded file and then
  3. change the filename from the unrecognizable alpha-numeric string to the left of the file extension, (to the left of the period in the complete filename) leaving the computer extension unchanged as shown in the following example:

from:  stelprd3829180.xlsm              to:  SkylineXL_18.xlsm

When saving, type the file extension in the "File name" field in order for it to be saved as a file rather than and internet link; such as the example above.

The computer extension of *.xlsm is key for Excel to recognize that this workbook contains macros.  If the extension is changed the workbook will provide unexpected results or will not open.


  • SkylineXL:  (Version 18) (.xlsm file)  SkylineXL is a Microsoft Excel Workbook used to analyze terrain profiles for skyline payload analysis, line tensions, rigging lengths and skyline feasibility.  SkylineXL is able to analyze four different skyline configurations; Standing Skyline, Multispan Skyline, Running Skyline and Live Skyline in English or Metric measurement units.  SkylineXL includes a database consisting of widely used yarder/tower combinations and carriages along with their respective line lengths, line sizes and other important data.  The user has the option within SkylineXL to add custom designed yarders and/or carriages to the database for skyline analysis.
  • SkylineXL GIS Profile Tool Addin version 5.0 for ArcMap version 10.5.1:  (.zip file)  This is an ESRI Add-In utility for ArcMap version 10.5.1 which will convert your line layer representing skyline terrain profiles or deflection lines into a SkylineXL Profile with elevations taken from your underlying terrain raster layer (either Digital Elevation Model or Lidar are required in the ArcMap Table of Contents).  This file is compressed using WinZip.  After downloading, uncompress the file using WinZip to find two files, the ESRI Add-In and the installation instruction Microsoft Word Document.  Follow the installation instructions to add the SkylineXL GIS Profile Tool to your ArcMap version 10.5.1 user interface.  The current version of SkylineXL (above) must reside on your computer.  Updated February 2018. 
  • Enable Excel Macros(.pdf file)  Contains the instructions to modify Microsoft Excel Options to enable the SkylineXL code to run when the user clicks on program buttons.  SkylineXL must have macros enabled to operate properly.  Only enable Excel macros from trusted sources.

  • Skyline Tatum Aids(.docx file)  Skyline Tatum Aids are a set of tables and charts taken from Oregon State University and Oregon OSHA to assist in the field preparation of feasible skyline settings.  These tatum aids may be printed and laminated to use in the woods during skyline timber sale planning and layout.


  • LogCost:  (Version 21)  (.xlsm file)  LogCost is a Microsoft Excel Workbook used to estimate stump-to-truck costs and production for a variety of logging systems and equipment configurations simultaneously:  Skyline, Mechanized, Tractor, Shovel and Helicopter logging systems.  Variations within logging systems are also possible.  Biomass harvest costs can be estimated within the Mechanized and/or Skyline logging system worksheet (including biomass haul cost).  LogCost21 notes: Costs have been updated for all systems including updated labor costs. Equipment options for feller-bunchers has been changed please double check any system that utilizes a feller-buncher.  Updated October 18, 2021.
  • HaulCost:  (Version 18(.xlsm file)  HaulCost is a Microsoft Excel Workbook used to estimate log truck transportation costs from the loading point to the mill or appraisal point.  Updated 4/7/20.
  • Enable Excel Macros(.pdf file)  Contains the instructions to modify Microsoft Excel Options to enable the LogCost and HaulCost code to run when the user clicks on program buttons.  LogCost and HaulCost must have macros enabled to operate properly.  Only enable Excel macros from trusted sources.
  • Volume Summary Form(.xlsm file)  CCF, MBF, Cords. The spreadsheet is an automated volume summary form, room for 100 units and 10 species or species groups. Creates a volume summary form, uses NATCRS data. The spreadsheet includes hidden defect & breakage utility, down woody debris option, and report options. Last update 12/9/2009.


  • Residual Value Economic Evaluation:  (Version 18(.xlsm file)  The intended use of this spreadsheet is to estimate the economic viability of planned Federal timber sales (residual value method). The user inputs the data necessary to make the determination in various tables. The summary table displays items such as the advertised rate, base rate, timber value, whether or not the unit and/or sale is estimated to be deficit or not, and the estimated value the sale is above (or below) base rates. The evaluation is based on the residual value appraisal methodology. Additional information is displayed in the Cost Centers Evaluation & Summary screen. Last update 4/7/2020. Excel macro-enabled spreadsheet.
  • Sale/Project Economic Evaluation (R6-TEA-Econ):  (Version 6.1(.xlsm file)  An economic analysis tool that allows the user to evaluate timber sale economics at the planning or sale layout level. The spreadsheet includes "cash flow" and "non-timber value" screens as well as screens which summarize net present value and benefit-cost ratios. Timber sale projects can be evaluated by individual units or by the sale-as-a-whole. The spreadsheet uses the Transaction Evidence Appraisal (TEA) system to generate basic gross timber values and estimated advertised rates. This spreadsheet is applicable to Region 6 projects - tied to the TEA process and uses the R6 TEA.COST file. This sheet is best used for EA & EIS projects where economic factors are estimated such as PV costs, PV benefits, NPV, B/C ratio, cash flows (KV, salvage sale fund, payments to counties), non-timber values, and sale advertised rates. Sale data for both current and future entries can be input. Last update 5/30/2013. Excel 2007 and 2010, macro-enabled spreadsheet.

Updated:  7 April 2020