Sierra Nevada Framework Environmental Impact Statement


Volume 1: Summary, Chapters 1 & 2

Purpose and Need
The Proposed Action
Decision to Be Made
Public Involvement
The Alternatives
Environmental Consequences
Problem Areas
Focal Species
Socio-economic Concerns
Forest Service Budget Projections
Summary Table: Comparison of Alternatives

Volume 2: Chapter 3, Parts 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6

Overview of Sierra Nevada Ecosystems
Landscape Patterns and Vegetation Dynamics
Old Forest Ecosystems
Hardwood Ecosystems
Aquatic, Riparian, and Meadow Ecosystems
Fire & Fuels
Noxious Weeds and Invasive Non-native Plants
Air Quality
Soil Quality
Land and Resource Uses
List of Tables
List of Figures

Volume 3:  Chapter 3, Part 4

Species of the Sierra Nevada
General Methods for Species Assessments
Vertebrate Species
Endangered, Threatened, and Proposed Species
Forest Service Sensitive Species (Focus species)
Moderate and High Vulnerability Species and Species of Concern  
Vascular Plants, Bryophytes, and Fungi
List of Tables

Volume 4: Appendices

Appendix B - Modeling
Appendix C - The Issue Identification Process
Appendix D - Standards and Guidelines
Appendix E - Monitoring and Adaptive Management Plan
Appendix F - Regional Soil Quality Standards and Guidelines
Appendix G - Fire and Fuels
Appendix H - Air Quality
Appendix I - Aquatic and Riparian Background Information
Appendix J - Relationship to the Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery Act Project
Appendix K - Rangeland Capability and Sustainability
Appendix L - Noxious Weeds
Appendix M - Mining and Minerals
Appendix N - Population and Demographics
Appendix O - Employment
Appendix P - Risk and Uncertainty
Appendix Q - Comparison between Interim Guidelines to Conserve the California Spotted Owl and proposed Measures to Conserve the Owl under Each Alternative
Appendix R - Assessment of Species Vulnerability and Prioritization
Appendix S - Recreation
Appendix T - Ecosystem Analysis


Volume 5: Public Concerns

Executive Summary Of Public Concerns
Chapter 1 - Public Concerns About General Planning Process And Policy
Chapter 2 - Public Concerns About Alternatives
Chapter 3 - Public Concerns About Affected Environment And Environmental Consequences

Volume 6: Agency Comments

Tribes and Tribal Organizations
Federal Agencies and Officials
State Agencies and Officials
County Agencies and Officials
Municipal Agencies and Officials