Ecological Restoration

Engaging Partners in an All Lands Approach Project symbol for Climate Change.

Climate change is re-shaping how the Forest Service provides ecosystem services and sustains the health, diversity and productivity of our national forests. In California, water will be the most pivotal resource affected by climate change. The Agency has created a Strategic Framework for responding to climate change and accomplishing the Forest Service mission in the face of a rapidly changing climate.

Region 5 will focus our needs and work. Three paramount influences are climate change and shifting hydrologic patterns, overly dense forests and California's rapidly increasing population. Although the Region is already successfully implementing ecological restoration activities, increasing demands for ecosystem services is growing faster than our current treatments and restoration work, and the scale of work is not adequate to influence the trend of growing impacts.


Ecological Restoration and Our Partners

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Alliances and Partnerships supporting restoration projects will assist us and secure our Forests for future generations. In building California resiliency, we will need to increase the amount of acres restored from 200,000 to about 500,000 a year. With Partner assistance we can truly manage and protect these invaluable Forest resources.

Ecological Restoration Implementation Plan

Cover image for Ecological Restoration Implementation Plan.

In March 2011 the Pacific Southwest Region of the US Forest Service released a statement of its Leadership Intent for Ecological Restoration, which laid out the Region's guiding vision and goals for its stewardship of wildland and forests for the next 15-20 years. This plan reflects the Regional leadership's current thinking on how the Leadership Intent will be implemented.