Critical Incident Stress Management

One Firefighter comforting another

Critical Incident Stress Management is a comprehensive, integrated, systematic, and multi-tactic crisis intervention approach to manage stress after traumatic events. CISM is a coordinated program of tactics designed to alleviate negative reactions to traumatic experiences.

Critical Incidents are unusually challenging events that have the potential to create significant human distress and can overwhelm the usual coping mechanisms of an individual or group. They are typically sudden, powerful, traumatic events, which are outside the range of ordinary human experiences that initiate a crisis response. Personnel may experience a critical incident as a result of a line of duty death, off-duty death, or serious accident or injury.

The effects of traumatic stress are best prevented and mitigated through the use of Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM). The use of CISM increases health, morale, and productivity. It may decrease post-traumatic stress disorder, acute stress disorder, and other adverse effects.

What can the Pacific Southwest CISM do for you?

The primary purpose of the Pacific Southwest Region CISM Committee is to provide critical incident stress management resources for the Forest Service in the Pacific Southwest Region, however, on occasion support may be provided outside of the geographic area if requested. This endeavor is an opportunity to effect change and provide employees the support resources needed during a critical incident; it reflects the region’s efforts to move forward as a professional, continuous improvement organization.

Our employees recognize that maintaining a healthy work environment requires strong leadership and that leadership is a shared responsibility.

Pacific Southwest Region CISM Support Groups consist of an all-inclusive workforce covering all disciplines of the Forest Service. This program is peer-driven and designed to support other peers after a critical incident.
