Artist in Residence Highlights 2012


SUSAN WATKINS, Oil painter, Eagle River, AK. 

Susan Watkins

“The Chugach National Forest is my beloved backyard yet I did not get to fully experience its vastness and wide range of extremes until my Wilderness Residence with the VOTW program in June 2012. Through my observation and delighted participation with the rangers I learned how vital their role is in protecting this treasure. My painting "Quiet Sound" was begun on location at View Beach, looking down Harriman Fiord. I paint  outdoors to capture vivid color, light, and mood. The cove is a gem nestled in stillness with gold hues of the moss contrasted against the turquoise sea as the snow receded.”


Donation: "Quiet Sound" 40” x 30” oil painting on canvas

Community extension:  VOTW slideshow presentation to the Anchorage Artist Guild on Oct.25, 2012.  Art exhibit at the Captain Cook  Gallery and Forest Service Supervisor’s Office.

Stewardship projects:

  • Visited  three different campsites known to have invasive weeds; Pulled dandelions at two of the locations
  • Picked up trash
  • Monitored campsite conditions in Harriman Fiord
  • Visitor contacts
  • Provided education to a group of eight Alaska Geographic students who were helping the Forest Service with service projects
  • Assessed lichens for air quality monitoring

For more information about Susan Watkins visit

Exploring Prince William Sound (Chugach National Forest Website)

Nellie Juan–College Fiord Wilderness Study Area (PDF)


JANET DAVIS, Photographer, Brookfield, CT.

Janet Davis

“Not having experienced wilderness in its purest form, my trek via float plane to the Petersburg Creek-Duncan Salt Chuck Wilderness was one of trepidation that turned into the most majestic, awe inspiring experience of my life. Spending two weeks with a spectacular team of trailblazers educated me in the necessary reality of wilderness preservation in order for humanity to thrive. It is in my artwork “Point of Balance” that I have been able to depict the delicate dance between urban and wilderness areas and its never ending struggle to find a balance that allows us to prosper as an intertwined humanity.”


Donation: "Point of Balance" a three dimensional photography installation and photo log book with history background of the Petersburg Creek Duncan Salt Chuck Wilderness

Community extension: Presentation in Connecticut area on needs for balance in wilderness.

Stewardship projects: 

  • Hand pulled invasive plants at two sites at Petersburg Lake
  • Photo documented the wilderness trail construction project 
  • Created a photo log of the ½ mile of trail conditions before and after project
  • Assisted wilderness trail crew on construction project
  • Cooked meals for crew of 8 people in remote camp

Petersburg Creek - Duncan Salt Chuck Wilderness (PDF)

Tongass National Forest website


DIANA WOODCOCK, Writer and poet, Doha, Qatar 

Diana Woodcock

"Writing is my way of promoting environmental justice and biodiversity conservation. Going to Misty Fiords was my first visit to Alaska. What I value most about Alaskan wilderness is that it survives as America’s last frontier. My time there impacts my work now as I juxtapose images of Misty with images of the Everglades, Cape Cod and the Arabian Desert, on the edge of which I have lived for the past ten years. My goal is to craft poems adhering to the features of environmentally conscious texts that set them apart from nature poetry, as described by Lawrence Buell in 'The Environmental Imagination.' Misty Fiords whet this native Virginian’s appetite for visiting other wilderness places in Alaska.”


Donation: “Winstanley Lake” a framed poem 

Community extension: In 2012, Diane gave a few readings inspired by her residency at VCU Qatar, along with poetry workshop/readings/discussion for Education City, Qatar.  She also provided poetry workshops/readings at Mount Royal University’s biennial conference on the environment in 2013 and has developed a chapbook.

Stewardship projects: 

  • Monitored visitor use on three subalpine lakes and trails connecting them to saltwater
  • Campsite monitoring and developed site (shelter) maintenance
  • Helped set up sound monitoring equipment

Misty Fiords National Monument Wilderness (PDF)

Tongass National Forest website


MK MACNAUGTON, Painter, Juneau, AK

MK MacNaughton

“My visit to the Noatak National Preserve in September 2012 gave me a lifelong appreciation for the beauty and importance of this land for the wildlife and people who love it. As a Voices of the Wilderness resident, I hiked, sketched, painted, and soaked in as much of the vibrant fall color as my memory could carry away with me. My deepest gratitude to wildlife biologist Marci Johnson for accompanying me to the tops of ridges, up river beds, and best of all, for quietly sitting in the sunset watching caribou graze past our camp.”


Donation: “Lunch break with Copter Peak” a 43” x 63” oil painting and six charcoal sketches of elders living in Kotzebue.

Community extension: MK taught multiple art classes to High School students and community members in Kotzebue, held a First Friday show/weekend open house in Juneau dedicated to work from her residency.   She also provided slideshow and workshops in Juneau and Sitka to highlight her A.I.R. experiences. She has posted images and paintings from her 2012 residency on her website

Stewardship projects:

  • Helped to monitor the backcountry airstrips for any activity in order to assist the Wildlife Protection Officers
  • Created artwork for NPS promotional tools


FRANCIS VALLEJO, Graphic artist/painter, Sarasota, FL  

Francis Vallejo

“My time in the West Chichagof –Yakobi Wilderness of Alaska was life changing. As a person, particularly one with experience only in cities, it finally gave me perspective into what I pay for on a day to day basis: food, water, shelter. In the wilderness those amenities are not taken for granted; you have to work for them. As an artist, I experienced landscapes and a quiet which overloaded my sense. I relish the opportunity to have been able to capture that.”


Donation: “Individual” a 16” x 20” ink and acrylic framed illustration to the Forest Service.

Community extension: Workshop at the national comic convention in July 2012 (Comic Con).

Stewardship projects:

  • Monitored twelve campsites that included documenting use of new and existing sites and naturalizing fire rings
  • Removal of one illegal structure where a third field partner was invaluable during demolition, burning, and site naturalization
  • Helped maintain encounter data for wilderness character monitoring
  • Helped maintain bird and mammal species list for District biologist

West Chichagof - Yakobi Wilderness (PDF)

Tongass National Forest website


NINA KHASHCHINA, Illustrator, Palo Alto, CA

Nina Khaschina

“I hope this compilation of sketches gives a glimpse into immediacy and wonder of my encounters in South Baranof Wilderness. Its sheer size and energy shook my world to the core and reflections of those precious days keep appearing in everything I draw since then. I felt profoundly connected to the whole world while drawing in peace and solitude of wilderness and this amazing juxtaposition pulls me back almost daily.”


Donation: “Wilderness in a Sketchbook” a 24” x 36” acrylic print of collaged sketches and post-trip artwork and a book featuring sketches from trip

Community extension: Presentations at watercolor classes to children in the Bay Area

Stewardship projects:

  • Monitored ten campsites that included documenting use of new and existing sites and naturalizing fire rings.
  • Helped maintain encounter data for wilderness character monitoring.
  • Helped monitor Benzeman Lake sockeye run for SRD Subsistence biologist. 

For more information on Nina Khashchina visit

South Baranof Wilderness (PDF)

Tongass National Forest website


KAYLYN MESSER, Videographer/photographer, Seattle, WA    

Kaylyn Messer

“In my 20s I left home in search of adventure, wild places and tangentially a sense of self. I ended up living and working in the Tongass National Forest for three seasons. My daily intimate connection with this area and the people who live there helped shape the person I am today and sparked a passion for creating images and sharing stories that inspire conservation of wild lands. In 2012, I had the wonderful opportunity to return to this special place with VOTW to document the experience of Nina Khashchina as an artist in the program. Nina and I joined Darrin Kelly and Frank Barnes of the USDA Forest Service for a five day wilderness monitoring expedition in the South Baranof Island Wilderness Area.”


Donation: “A Moment of Contemplation” a framed achival giclee print to the Forest Service.

Community extension: Created a short film about the VOTW residency:

Stewardship projects:

  • Monitored ten campsites that included documenting use of new and existing sites and naturalizing fire rings.
  • Helped maintain encounter data for wilderness character monitoring.
  • Helped monitor Benzeman Lake sockeye run for SRD Subsistence biologist. 

For more information on Kaylyn Messer visit

South Baranof Wilderness (PDF)

Tongass National Forest website


JASON ELVROM, Illustrator/graphic designer, Los Angeles, CA  

Jason Elvrom

 "I was excited and honored to participate in the Voices of the Wildeness artists residency program in Tracy Am-Ford's Terror Wilderness. I spent two weeks in July with rangers helping to perform Forest Service duties while learning about stewardship, conservation and the importance of wilderness. As an added bonus I had the privilege to paint some of the most beautiful, pristine wilderness on this planet. It was a humbling experience, using my skills as an artist to add to the dialogue of past artists and naturalists who fought long and hard to preserve our nations wilderness for future generations." 


Donation:Iceberg Illustration” a fFourteen-page educational children’s adventure guide specific to Tracy Arm-Ford’s Terror Wilderness, distributed aboard tour boats visiting the area.

Community extension: Children’s educational activity sheet for the Mendenhall Visitor’s Center

Stewardship projects:

  • Picked up trash
  • Provided wilderness education aboard two tour boats
  • Made public contacts
  • Participated in visual emissions readings of cruise boats
  • Participated in solitude monitoring


Tracy Arm - Fords Terror Wilderness (PDF)

Tongass National Forest website


IRENE OWSLEY, Photograper, Potomac, MD   

 "Endicott Arm” 

Irene Owsley

 “I was intensely aware of a world brimming with water, especially having just left behind a parched summer in the Lower 48. Along the shoreline of Holkham Bay and the steep granite walls of the fjords, water streamed and cascaded from the icefields above. At the head of Endicott Arm, our campsite of scoured granite terraces overlooked the great carver of this landscape, Dawes Glacier.It was a gift to witness these dynamic forces at work – water constantly ebbing and flowing, crushing and moving rock. The residency allowed complete immersion not only in the landscape (which I embraced), but also in one’s work. The impact of place and the creative process it enkindles are a powerful package. My goal is to communicate that energy and value in universal terms.” 


Donation: “Endicott Arm” a 38” x 22” panorama print mounted on dibond.  This image was selected for Smithsonian’s 2014 Wilderness Forever photo exhibit featured at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act.

Community extension: Irene developed a multimedia video with sounds and images recorded in TAFT.

Stewardship projects:

  • Provided education aboard two tour boats traveling Endicott Arm
  • Monitored/restored campsite conditions in Endicott Arm
  • Visitor contacts

For more information about Irene Owsley, visit

Tracy Arm - Fords Terror Wilderness (PDF)

Tongass National Forest website

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