Outdoor Recreation Ethics

Leave No Trace

Chugach & Tongass National Forest Principles

Discuss Leave No Trace Principles with Your Party

Get everybody on the same page by discussing the why’s and how’s of the seven principles of Leave No Trace before you set out on your trip.   
Overview   Details

1. Plan Ahead and Prepare

Ensure that your party is prepared for the vast, wild remote Chugach and Tongass National Forests and their extreme conditions.   Overview   Details

2. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces

Learn to distinguish durable surfaces from sensitive ones and the protocol for visiting areas ranging from heavily-used to pristine.   Overview   Details

3. Dispose of Waste Properly

Manage trash and waste properly to avoid conditioning animals, sickening visitors and contaminating wild Alaska.   Overview   Details

4. Leave What You Find

Keep natural ecosystems and traditional human sites intact to pass on the gift of discovery to those who follow.   Overview   Details

5. Minimize Campfire Impacts

In general use a stove and only have a fire if it is ethical and does not scar the land. Overview   Details

6. Respect Wildlife

Appreciate wildlife in a manner that grants them the space to be undisturbed and wild. Overview   Details

7. Be Considerate of Other Visitors

Respect other visitors and types of use such that we preserve the quality of the Alaskan experience for everyone. Overview   Details

Document versions of Chugach & Tongass LNT Principles: