Alaska's National Forests Celebrate Rainforest Week

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Contact(s): Erica Keene

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Forest Service
Alaska Region
P. O. Box 21628
Juneau, Alaska 99802

Twitter: @AKForestService

For Immediate Release

Contact: Alicia King, Public Affairs
Phone: 907-586-8892 Email:



JUNEAU, Oct. 9, 2020 –World Rainforest Week is October 12-18 and Alaska's Chugach and Tongass National Forests are celebrating by highlighting some of the unique features temperate rainforests provide.

Scientists of the Pacific Northwest Research Station have been conducting research on how Alaska rainforests contribute to the environment. Did you know?

  • Alaska rainforests are vital in protecting our streams and watersheds and providing critical habitat for many fish species. Learn about salmon habitat:
  • Rainforests in Alaska are uniquely tied to the coastline and contribute to changes in marine plant and animal life. Read about Alaska coastline changes:
  • Coastal Temperate rainforests collect and store more organic matter than any other forest type. This helps create a broader diversity of plant and animal life. Many species of plants and animals supported by Alaska Rainforests cannot be found anywhere else. 
  • Alaska National Forests harbor the largest temperate rainforests left in the world.
    • The Tongass National Forest alone contains 14 percent of the total acreage of the world’s temperate rainforests.
  • Alaska rainforest ecosystems are largely shaped by water and powerful wind.
  • To learn how forests are inventoried and why it’s important, check out The Last (Un-Inventoried) Frontier:


Follow us on social media to hear fun rainforest facts throughout the week:

Twitter - Alaska Region, @akforestservice,

Facebook -  Tongass:, Chugach:



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Key Contacts

Regional Public Affairs

Jackie Chandler
Director, Public Affairs
(907) 586-8803

Forest Public Affairs

Chugach National Forest

Brandon Raile
Public Affairs & Partnerships
Chugach National Forest webpage

Tongass National Forest

Paul Robbins Jr.
Public Affairs & Partnerships
Tongass National Forest webpage