Volunteer Opportunities

A newly renovated cabin

Volunteer service in the Forest Service was formalized in the Volunteers in the National Forest Act of 1972. The national forests, grasslands, and prairies are there for you to enjoy because many people have served over numerous years to preserve, protect and improve them.

Give something back by volunteering. Find a volunteer position on Volunteer.gov.

What Captures Your Interest?

The diversity of projects and positions available offers each person a chance to participate in an activity that meets their individual or group interests. Trail work, campground host, bird surveys, conservation education, fire lookout, Adopt-a-trail, information receptionist, and wilderness restoration projects are a few examples of what may be available. Other possibilities might include working in the field with biologists, botanists, archaeologists, recreation rangers, and other Forest Service personnel.

Why Volunteer?

Working with the Forest Service and fellow volunteers is an opportunity to see what the national forests have to offer in a way beneficial to both yourself and the forest. The commitment you make is up to you.

  • It can give you the opportunity to pursue a special interest, such as bird watching or hiking.
  • Develop or diversify your job experience and career choices.
  • Earn credit towards college with volunteer internships.
  • If you are retired or have summers free, live on a national forest while you work as a volunteer.
  • Perform vigorous but satisfying physical labor outdoors.
  • Meet people and form new friendships, or gain self-satisfaction in providing community service.
  • Spending time in the outdoors, enjoying the company of your fellow volunteers and visitors, can give you a new perspective on other facets of your life.

Volunteering in a national forest can offer valuable experience and life long memories.

How do you get started?

Volunteer stories:

Questions? Contact: 
Don MacDougall 
Volunteer and Workforce Development Coordinator

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updated in 5/16/24