
All current Forest Service job vacancies are posted on USAJOBS.gov. On USAJobs, create a profile, search for jobs, sign up for vacancy announcements, apply for jobs, and check the status of job applications. 

Fire Hire 

Permanent firefighter & fire management jobs are hired regionwide through Fire Hire. The Forest Service posts various positions for permanent and seasonal hand crews, engine crews, hotshot crews in fall of each year. Click here to learn more about wildland firefighter hiring.

There are multiple 10-day rounds of Fire Hire every year. Learn more about applying for permanent fire jobs in Oregon & Washington.  

Permanent Employment

All permanent jobs are advertised through USAJobs. You can search the openings by agency, location, salary range, or by "series" (a system for identifying the type of work). Some positions are only open to current Federal Employees; only the jobs open to everyone will be shown in the search results.

Opportunities for Students, Recent Graduates

Opportunities for Youth

(with partner organizations)


Volunteers are the heartbeat of the Forest Service. The types of work a volunteer can perform are many and varied. Learn more about volunteer opportunities with the Forest Service