Mt. Hood National Forest


The Mt. Hood National Forest encompasses 1.1 million acres, about one-third of it designated wilderness. The Forest offers year-round recreation opportunities and its watersheds provide drinking water to 1 million people in the greater Portland area.


Plan your next visit!

  • Mt. Hood Climbing Permit

    Timberline Lodge, shortly after it was built in the 1930s, in Mt. Hood National Forest

    To better support climber safety and natural resource protection, a climbing permit is required for those traveling above 9,500 feet on Mt. Hood as of January 1, 2024. This will not impact recreators in ski areas or using the Timberline Trail, which are below 9,500 feet elevation.

  • Hike with a Ranger

    Visitors and Forest Service staff hiking on a Mt. Hood trail.

    Join Forest Service staff on a hike this summer! Each hike will be guided by recreation staff and will feature a scientist or specialist presenting a natural or cultural resource theme.

  • Wildfire Crisis Strategy on Mt. Hood

    Wildfire Crisis Strategy fireshed areas of focus around Mt. Hood.

    In early 2023, the Mt. Hood National Forest was selected to receive additional funding as part of the Wildfire Crisis Strategy. This landscape comprises Federal, State, Tribal, and private lands on and around the Mt. Hood National Forest and the project area includes three firesheds, several wilderness areas, and the Bull Run watershed.

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