Gila Wilderness Centennial Poster Contest Winners

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Thank you to all artists who submitted artwork for inclusion in Gila Wilderness Centennial posters. Submissions closed December 15, 2023, and the winners have been announced!

The winning contributors’ artwork will be used as part of an outreach campaign happening next year in celebration of 100 years of the Gila Wilderness.

And the Winners Are ...


First Place

Christina Wilkinson

Gila Wilderness

poster with a blue and white tipped river running from red rock cliffs. Artist Christina Wilkinson


Second Place

Michael Shaw

Gila Scene

watercolor and drawing of a scene from the Gila wilderness with a stream, fish, rabbit, flowers. Arist Michael Shaw


Third Place

Ben Brown

Gila Wilderness Centennial Poster

poster with two rows each with three Monet-esque watercolor scenes you might find in the wilderness. Ben Brown artist.

Contest Criteria

The contest is now closed. Submissions were based on the following criteria.

All works submitted must be inspired by the Gila Wilderness and represent one or more of the five characteristics of Wilderness: untrammeled; natural; undeveloped; opportunities for solitude and primitive, unconfined recreation; and other characteristics that make the Gila uniquely special.

  1. Work must represent at least one of the five characteristics of Wilderness explained above
  2. No smaller than 16'' by 20''
  3. No more than two entries per person
  4. No copyrighted materials
  5. Entries must include the artwork submittal form and an artist statement (a few lines about what is unique or special about the Gila Wilderness, and which Wilderness characteristics are represented in your piece)
  6. Entries must be completely anonymous for jurying. No signatures should show on the artwork, and image file names should not include artist name. Artwork will be credited and signed after judging is complete. 
  7. Digital submission file must be at a resolution of 150 pixels per inch (or 2500 by 3750 pixels) or greater
  8. Permission must be granted to the Forest Service to photographically reproduce any submitted works for publicity or educational purposes. This includes but is not limited to using your artwork (with credit) for social media posts, printed handouts, posters, or promotional videos.

An honorarium in the amount of $100 will be awarded to all artists whose artwork is selected for inclusion in Gila Wilderness Centennial posters. There was no fee for entry in the competition.

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