Forest roads and trails status


Construccion El YunqueThe Emergency Relief for Federally Owned Roads Program, or ERFO Program, under the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) was established to assist federal agencies with the repair or reconstruction of tribal transportation facilities, federal lands transportation facilities, and other federally owned roads that are open to public travel, which are found to have suffered serious damage by a natural disaster over a wide area or by a catastrophic failure. The intent of the ERFO program is to pay the unusually heavy expenses for the repair and reconstruction of eligible facilities. 

After a natural disaster, the Forest Service works together with FHWA to identify roads, parking lots, and/or trails that may potentially qualify for the ERFO program to perform permanent repairs; those are to restore facilities to their pre-disaster conditions. Currently, the El Yunque NF is presently managing an estimate of 27 construction project site areas including roads, trails and facilities. Approximately six of the repairs sites are along the PR-191 corridor. The repairs are anticipated to be completed in 2025. For more information, please click here.

The following trails remain closed

La Mina Trail
Big Tree Trail
Rio Sabana Trail

* El Yunque Peak Trail is open to Los Picachos, but remains closed between Los Picachos spur trail and El Yunque Peak for safety reasons.
* Mt. Britton trail is opened but the road segment towards the tower and the tower are closed due to construction.