Getting A Job as a Firefighter

Information for Firefighters iconForest Service Fire and Aviation Management is a wide field, encompassing firefighters, fire ecologists, fuels specialists, fire managers, administrative personnel, helicopter and fixed wing pilots, aviation and ground safety professionals, radio communications and electronic technicians, dispatchers, fire prevention specialists, and communicators.

Applying for a Job

The Coronado National Forest annually hires seasonal firefighters. Typically, the application process starts in January. To find a listing of jobs offered on The Coronado National Forest visit

After you identify the specific job you’re interested in applying for, you must then visit to apply for the position.

For more information on seasonal firefighting positions contact the Coronado National Forest at (520) 388-8300.

About Wildland Firefighting

Fire season on the Coronado National Forest normally begins in April and ends in late July, depending on weather conditions.

Seasonal jobs in firefighting include working on a local unit handcrew, on a helitack/helirappeling crew, a Hot Shot Crew, as a smokejumper, or on an engine crew.

Wildland firefighting can be a hard yet rewarding job, requiring long hours of work in adverse conditions (heat, smoke and rugged terrain) with occasional travel out of state, sometimes for 14 days at a stretch.

In addition to specific requirements for each kind of job, it is essential that firefighter be in top physical condition. Employees and prospective employees must pass the Work Capacity Test annually before working on the fireline.

The Forest Service will provide you Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) clothing, hardhat and fire shelter, but you must provide your own lug soled, leather eight-inch topped boots.