Know Before You Go

Information for Forest Visitors IconPrior to visiting the Coronado National Forest or other public lands, you should always “Know Before You Go”. Call ahead or visit this website to learn about any restrictions or closures that may affect your visit. Closures or restrictions may occur on very short notice so it is always important to plan ahead and keep yourself informed on changing conditions.

Learn more about campfires...

Restrictions and Closures

Restrictions and closures (posted on the Alerts and Notices) are determined by a graduated system that becomes more restrictive as fire danger levels increase. The levels are based on the National Fire Danger Rating system.

Learn more about Fire Danger Levels

Learn more about restrictions

Go to Alerts and Notices for Current Restrictions and Closures


  • Know the weather forecast for your backcountry destination – wind, thunderstorms etc.
  • Know about any fire restrictions and current fire danger before you begin your trip.
  • Know if campfires are allowed. Follow all rules for safe fire use.
  • Know how to extinguish your fire. Drown it (with water), Stir it (mix it up) and Feel it (is it cool?).
  • Carry additional water and food in case an emergency extends your stay.
  • Always carry appropriate survival equipment.

Protect yourself if you are threatened by a wildfire:

  1. Call 9-1-1 if your cell phone is working.
  2. Stay calm and stay with your group.
  3. Find a large, open clear area or lake and stay there.
  4. If your travel route is blocked or cut off, consider an alternate route.