Welcome to the Coronado National Forest

Never Allowed and Illegal: Fireworks and Pyrotechnics.

Fuegos artificiales prohibidos. It is illegal to bring or use any kind of firework, or other pyrotechnic device on Federal Lands, which includes National Forests. Help prevent wildfires! More information

¡Bienvenidos al Bosque Nacional Coronado!

Sky Islands

The Coronado National Forest spans sixteen scattered mountain ranges or "sky islands" rising dramatically from the desert floor, supporting plant communities as biologically diverse as those encountered on a trip from Mexico to Canada.

Discover Places

Lugares especiales

Experience all four seasons during a single day's journey. Enjoy spectacular views from the mountains, wander through the desert among the giant saguaro cactus and colorful wildflowers in the morning, linger over lunch beside a mountain stream or lake, and play in the snow all before the days end.

Tenga la oportunidad de experimentar las cuatro temporadas del año en solo un día. Disfruta vistas espectaculares desde las montañas, pasea por el desierto con los saguaros gigantes y las flores coloridas en la mañana, almuerce al lado de un arroyo o lago, y juegue en la nieve antes de que se ponga el sol.

  • Apply for Seasonal Jobs

    uniformed Forest Service timber employees

    June 27 - July 10, 2024. We're hiring temporary Archeologists and Technicians, Forestry Aids and Technicians (recreation trails and wilderness) and Visitor Service Information Assistants. Make a difference and gain valuable work experience.

  • Recreation

    shaded picnic site

    Camping, hiking, birdwatching, visiting historic areas, exploring the wilderness. There's something for everyone!

  • Find Your Way

    Map of recreation sites near Tucson

    Maps for every need, the way you want them:
    Interactive, Print, Downloadable.

  • Passes/Permits

    Photo of Coronado National Forest 2024 Annual Pass

    Purchase your passes and permits online or at your destination.

  • Caring for the Land

    two mexican spotted owl fledgling perch in tree

    The Coronado National Forest manages public lands brimming with natural resources and diverse wildlife. Challenges include removing invasive plant species in unique native ecosystems to protect these areas from fire and preserve resources for native plants and animals.

  • Recreación

    Sitio para picnic

    Campamento, senderismo, avistamiento de aves, áreas históricas, y naturaleza. ¡Hay algo para todos los gustos!

  • Mapas


    Mapas imprimibles, en línea, y descargables

  • Pases/Permisos

    Photo of Coronado National Forest 2024 Annual Pass

    Compre sus pases y permisos en línea o en su destino.

Live Footage from Mt. Bigelow near Tucson, AZ
Imágenes en vivo desde Mt. Bigelow, cerca de Tucson, AZ

